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“We are on the top, but the restaurant is on the top, too,” I answered. “We are only going up one floor to my private roof top, and then the restaurant is down a hallway. Other guests enter a different way.”

“You’re just now telling me about a private roof top?” she scoffed at me.

“Sorry. I forgot about it myself. I rarely go up there,” I said, opening a door to a private hallway to the restaurant.

Imogen was a delight to be with. She had a way of always finding enjoyment in everything we do. The hostess had our table ready, but she wanted to walk around, looking at the city lights. Once we had lapped the restaurant twice, she was ready to sit.

“Go ahead and tell me when we have to shoot through. Sorry. When do we leave? By the way, I noticed you have on your new scuffs. They look slick.”

“I think you are referring to my shoes. You should like them, you picked them out,” I said. “Gunner looked sharp in his new clothes too.”

“I didn’t see him all dressed. I’ll have to wait up for him,” She said, looking at the menu the waitress had handed each of us. “You’re making me anxious. So, before I pace, tell me whatever it is you wanted to say.”

If she only knew I wanted to tell her, ‘I’m not Asher, I’m August, and I’m in love with you.’

“I didn’t mean for you to feel anxious. I have to fly to China for business and I will be very busy when I’m there,” I explained. “You would be alone and likely bored.”

“I can find something to do. Wouldn’t Gunner be there with us?” she asked, frowning. “Do you not want my company?”

“Imogen, it’s not that at all. I love your company, maybe too much. You distract me from work,” I said, trying to smooth it over. “The good news is, Poppy is flying here tomorrow to keep you company while Kellan is with me in China.”

“Bonza, I like her.” She smiled at me, looking happier about it. “How long will you be gone?”

“I may have to be gone for two days maximum, but I’m going to try, with Kellan’s help, to get it finished in a day to a day and a half.”

“Is Gunner going with you?” she asked, “because I’d rather he stayed here with me, if that’s ok?”

“Imogen, he is all yours. He was hired to protect you, so I wouldn’t think of taking him with me,” I offered as comfort. “I will take Pierre with me, as my protection.”

“Bulldust. You don’t need anyone to protect you. Perhaps I need to speak with Pierre to make sure he protects you from other women.” I put the menu up to cover my smile. “I might just be the jealous type, you know.”

“I don’t see that in your personality so far.” I pulled her menu down. “You do know I wouldn’t do that to you.”

“I don’t know. You’re marrying me because you got in trouble with another woman, so maybe you have a rendezvous set up in China,” I said, hiding behind the menu again.

“Very funny. Order your food, you faker,” I said, then downed the glass of water the waitress had left for us.

The waitress returned to take our orders. I watched Imogen looking around the room, admiring just about everything. I loved the way she enjoyed every minute. How could someone physically hurt someone like her? I realized I wasn’t much better because I was going to hurt her too.

“You want to get to know more about each other again?” I asked, wanting to know more. “We can do five questions. What do you say?”

“Yeah that was fun, give me a minute to think of questions,” she said with her head cocked to one side. “You go first, and set your timer.”

“What age did you have your first kiss?” I said first.

“Five. Back at you, what age were you?”

“Five? I meant a real kiss, Imogen. Correct that answer.”

“Fine, fourteen. Now you answer.”

“Twelve. How many boyfriends have you had?”

“Crickey, hmmm, six. I won’t ask you, the playboy, that one. How many girls have slapped you?”

“Ha, that’s a funny one. I think only two. Did you wear braces as a kid?”

“No, my teeth were always this straight. Did you wear braces?”
