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“Yeah Jade, join us for lunch.” Asher smirked and took my hand. “Come on, you can come sit by me.”

I smiled at Sawyer and Victoria, then went to sit by Asher. After all, he was why I was here. The women were, for the most part, quiet, and I wondered if it was fair that I had an advantage over them by knowing Asher and Sawyer already. So, I decided to start a conversation.

“Do any of you already know how to dive or snorkel?” I asked after the drinks were passed out and rolls put on the table. “I think I heard something about an excursion like that this week.”

“I love diving, been doing it for years,” Sarah jumped in, excited. “I’ve been diving in a few areas, but not here. I’m looking forward to it.”

“Perfect, what about the rest of you? Tina, you’re a Cali girl, do you snorkel or anything?”

“Not at all. Like I was saying to Sawyer, the water’s too cold.” Tina smiled at Sawyer. “I’m excited to try it here in the warmer water, though.”

“I believe there is an agenda for the week in each of your suites,” Victoria said. “There is also a paper to fill out regarding food you want on hand, food you like for your meals, and food you may be allergic to. Make sure you fill it out and give it to Josh this afternoon.”

“Will we be doing activities today?” Nadia asked. “Also, what about one-on-one time?”

Okay, she’s gonna be the aggressive one.

Lunch was served. Asher flirted throughout lunch, but in a fun way, and we both took turns whispering to each other about how the other girls were handling Sawyer. It felt wrong to have these fun moments with him, so when I was finished with lunch, I excused myself to make a call to my dad’s hospital.

“I need to check on my father. Please excuse me.” I stood and walked out onto the beach. “Hi, Alison. I know I can’t speak with him, but how’s he doing?”

“He had a bit of a rough night but has settled in today. He’ll be going for evaluation in about thirty minutes.” Alison explained. “I can email you the evaluation tonight.”

“Thanks Alison. I’ll be watching for it.” I disconnected the call.

“Everything alright over here?” Asher joined me on the beach. “Sorry, didn’t mean to eavesdrop, just needed to get away from the others. It’s kinda awkward, isn’t it?”

“It’s more than a little awkward. It was like pulling teeth to get them to talk.” I shook my head. “I hope it gets better for you.”

“Oh, I’m not concerned. Sawyer might have a problem with it.” Asher looked back to the table area. “Speaking of, we’re being watched by Sawyer and the women.”

We both smiled and waved.

Chapter 76


Isat at the table having small talk with the four women. My mind continued to wander to Jade and Asher joking around with each other, and now out on the beach alone. I was having serious second thoughts about this process. The women seemed to be feeling the same way.

I need to do something, but what?

“Mr. Hawthorne, Captain Jim says the yacht is ready to take your guests for some dolphin watching now.” Josh smiled. “If you’re ready, that is.”

I need to give Josh a raise.

“Perfect timing, Josh. Thank you.” I smiled back and stood. “Well, ladies, how about some dolphin watching?”

“Will we be gone a long time? Nadia asked.

“Should I bring a jacket or anything? Maybe a bathing suit?” Tina asked.

“We shouldn’t be more than an hour, Nadia, and Tina, no suit or jacket is needed. We are just viewing.” I answered both of them. “What about you two? Any questions?”

“Not me. I’m ready to go.” Sarah started walking toward the dock. “I can’t wait to get out there. Can we swim with the dolphins?”

I like her already.

“I wouldn’t do it where we’re going. There tends to be a good amount of sharks, too.”
