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“I think meals should be at a table.” Rebecca glared at the girls on the couches. “It’s not very proper to eat like that.”

“I think there are times when it’s nice to eat at a table and other times when it’s nice to kick back.” I followed her glare, then turned back to her. “So, Rebecca, what do you think of island life so far?”

“It’s very pretty here. I could imagine vacationing here will be nice.” She pointed to her glass when a waiter walked by with a pitcher of water. “Where do you live, usually?”

“I live here most of the time and, when I need to, I go to New York,” I reluctantly admitted. “Island life has become who I am.”

“Oh, I thought this was just a vacation home.” She frowned. “How often is your need to be in New York?”

“Not that often, honestly. I’ve become rather tired of the press and the busy lifestyle.” I frowned now. “This is much healthier living and I can handle just about every part of my work from here.”

“Don’t you ever get tired of having nothing to do or no restaurants or shopping?” Rebecca pressed on. “I would want to see the city more, and trees other than these palms. Do you even have seasons here?”

“No, silly, it’s the Caribbean,” Nadia finally spoke out. “People pay a lot of money to live like this. It’s a luxury.”

“Not my idea of luxury. I mean, you have plenty of amenities, but no people.” Rebecca sighed. “I don’t think I could do this.”

“Are you saying you don’t want to be here anymore?” I asked. “Like I said earlier today, if you are unhappy here you are welcome to leave.”

“I like it here just fine for now. I’ll stay and see how it goes.” Rebecca batted her fake eyelashes at me. “We can have some fun.”

Oh brother. I’m gonna need to get her out of here. Jade will chew her up. Where did that thought just come from?

“If it’s alright with you all, I’m going to go to the spa.” Rebecca stood from the table. “I’ll have a meal sent up later. You enjoy the sunset. It looks lovely.”

Nadia and I watched Rebecca glance around, then walk away. I could see that Nadia was relieved and concerned at the same time.

“How could she not want to see that?” Nadia finally spoke. “I’m sorry to be a pain about the seafood. I hope you don’t hold that against me.”

“Don’t be silly. Tell me more about you. Start with why you don’t eat seafood.” I picked at the salad Marcus had sent out first.

“Seafood and my body just don’t get along. I wouldn’t say I’m allergic. Maybe the right word is ‘sensitive’.” Nadia started eating her salad. “So, I avoid it.”

“I get that. I don’t like avocados for the same reason, and sometimes garlic bothers me.” I finished the salad and leaned back, looking over at the girls on the couch. “They look comfy.”

“When I was growing up, my mother was very strict about proper table manners, so I’ve never gotten out of the habit.” Nadia looked over to the others. “I’m working on it. Would you prefer to go over there?”

“Normally yes, I would be over there, but this is good too.” I was starting to see a different side of her.

That rude questioning earlier will have to be kept an eye on.

“Sawyer, come over and see us until the dinner gets out.” Tina patted the couch next to her. “Nadia, come too.”

“I’m comfortable here, you go ahead and visit them.” Nadia smiled a rather frigid smile. “Come back to eat.”

The three girls on the couches were talking and laughing. That was where I wanted to be.

“I’m gonna go chat for a few minutes.” I stood and walked over to the railing. “What’s so entertaining over here?”

“Nothing really, just silly girl stuff. Jade was laughing at herself because she only owns one-piece swimsuits.” Sarah chuckled more. “I don’t think I’ve ever owned one and that’s all she has.”

I looked to Jade, thinking they were making fun of her, but she was laughing as much as they were. “And why is it that you only have one-piece suits? Not that it matters, but I’m guessing there’s a reason.”

“There is. As a marine biologist, we spend a good amount of time in the water studying things. You can’t be worrying about your bottoms falling off.” They all started laughing again. “For that matter, certain sea life can be irritating to bare skin.”

“You’re a marine biologist?” Tina stopped laughing. “You’re like a doctor or something then, right?”

“Yes, ladies, this is Dr. Jade Campbell,” I did a formal introduction, “coming to us from all the way across the water to that big island over there.”
