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“Why are you here doing this, then?” Tina asked. “If I was as smart as you, I wouldn’t need to do this.”

“Tina, it’s okay to do this or something else with your life. You just need to be happy.” Jade answered. “What do you do?”

“I’m nothing. I work in a retail store, still trying to get out of debt from college.” Tina leaned back on the couch. “I got a degree that wasn’t worth getting and parents that remind me of that all the time.”

“Well, let’s not worry about that while we’re here having fun.” I clapped my hands together, seeing dinner delivered. “And our food is here, so let’s eat.”

“We should come sit at the table with you and Nadia.” Sarah stood and linked arms with me. “She doesn’t look very happy. You two coming?”

“No, I’m way too comfy right here. You enjoy your time with just the three of you.” Tina tucked her legs up under her, looking out over the ocean.

“Are you sure?” I asked. “You might miss something exciting.”

Chapter 81


Iwatched Sawyer laughing and joking with Sarah on their short walk to the table. Nadia didn’t look very happy that he’d returned with another woman. I made a mental note to get to know Nadia a little better to see what about her Sawyer might like.

One of these girls must be someone he could be happy married to. I have to figure out which one.

Dinner was delicious. I hadn’t expected less, but eating all these meals prepared for me only made me wonder what Gunner and the boys were doing in my house.

“Hey Sawyer. Are Gunner and the boys coming here tonight or tomorrow?” I called across the balcony.

“I’m not positive when, but they’ll be visiting,” Sawyer called back. “Do you need them for something specific?”

“Nope. I asked because I see a seaplane out there.” I pointed off in the distance. “What a view of the sunset that plane is getting.”

“We should go out in the seaplane tomorrow for sunset watching. What do you think, girls?” Sawyer asked the group.

“Sounds like fun. Could I fly the plane?” Nadia asked. “I have my pilot’s license.”

“Wow, Nadia. That’s’ pretty cool. Don’t you think, Sawyer?” I walked over to the table to be more involved in the conversation. “Tina fell asleep. I thought I’d join you.”

“Nadia, did you know that Sawyer is a pilot too?” I sat at the table across from Sawyer. “You two should take the seaplane out right now. One of us can go another night.”

“I would like that, if you would like to go?” Nadia asked.

I looked to Sawyer, daring him to say no. He looked back at me with a crinkled forehead.

“Yes, Nadia we should go quickly so we don’t miss it.” Sawyer put his hand out for hers. “Ladies, we’ll see you later.”

Sawyer and Nadia were no sooner down the staircase when Tina popped up off the couch.

“Let’s go do something fun.” Tina stood and stretched. “Any ideas?”

“We could take a swim in the ocean. Or we could dance.” Sarah grinned. “I know, what about karaoke? I saw a karaoke machine out by the beach.”

“I can’t sing, but I’ll give it a shot.” I stood, taking one last look at the sunset. “But I’m not singing alone.”

Asher was on the beach lounging in a chair when we got there. He wasn’t moving, so we all thought he was sleeping. We snuck past him to the karaoke.

“Does anyone know how to turn this on?” I asked. “Sarah, this was your idea. What’s the plan? Hey, Josh,” I called out when he walked by. “Could you help us with his karaoke?”

“Yes ma’am.” Josh walked out onto the beach with us. “Would you like the screen with the words also?”

“He has the words, too. Absolutely yes for the words.” Tina ran over and started looking through the book of songs Josh held out to us. “I’ll go first or, Jade, sing with me.”
