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I handed out water bottles, then took the helm and shoved off.

“I need to make a brief stop at a private island on our way, but it will only take a few moments, and you can get into your wetsuits while I unload,” I explained. “If you look off to the left, you can see some dolphins.”

I could see as we approached the dock that the yacht wasn’t there, and no one came out to meet me.

They must all still be out somewhere.

I made quick work of unloading the jet skis and shoving back off.

I’m pretty sure they’re smart enough to figure out I delivered them. Right?

I took the diving group about twenty minutes out from the island to a great coral reef and went over safety instructions. Then, one by one, we flipped back into the ocean. I kept a close eye on our surroundings, spear in hand, and watched the group while they swam around the reef taking underwater selfies.

It used to be about how amazing the coral reef was and the exotic fish. Now it’s all about the selfies.

The current above us became very turbulent. I knew it had to be a boat, or another water vehicle, to make that turbulence. I motioned for the group to slowly go up. I made my way to the surface before them to look at the situation, only to almost lose my head when jet skis flew by within a few feet.

Oh my God. What are they doing?

I ducked back under and pointed to the slowly ascending group to move back and stay put, then resurfaced slowly. I reached for my flare gun and, upon reaching the surface, shot off a flare.

Hopefully, they know enough about a flare gun to know they need to beware.

I waited a few seconds, then broke the surface to find the jet skis floating in the water about twenty feet away.

“Does it ever end with you?” I pulled the mouthpiece out. “You could have killed someone. There’s markers all around us.”

I didn’t wait for a response, but instead ducked back under to motion the group to the surface. Our diving time was up, so they may not have even noticed the issue, thankfully.

“Miss Campbell, I’m truly sorry, we didn’t see the markers,” Sawyer called out. “Is anyone hurt?”

“No one is hurt, no thanks to you.” I climbed onto my boat to help each diver in. “Grab a drink and relax, everyone.”

I took one last glance back at the group of jet skis, took the helm, and headed back to the marina.

Of all the inconsiderate behavior... It’s one thing that they just waste all that money when others have none, but today they could have killed someone.

“Hello?” I said into my cell when I heard it ringing from the dashboard. “What do you want, Mr. Hawthorne?”

“I just wanted to see if you needed assistance and that everyone was okay,” he asked.

“I already said everyone was okay. Maybe you and your play friends can care about something and someone other than your money and alcohol,” I screeched into the phone, then stopped myself when I looked up to find the others listening. “I can’t talk about this right now.”

I noticed the jet skis following my boat for a bit, then finally backing off.

“Did everyone have a good time and get some great pictures today?” I asked as we pulled into the marina. “You all did such a great job diving. Maybe you weren’t beginners after all.”

“Miss Campbell, most of us have been out at least once before, but not in deeper waters like today,” one woman said. “That was scary and fun at the same time. I, for one, would love to go again.”

“Do you do daily diving tours?” the man next to her asked. “I have a business retreat to plan and I thought this would be perfect.”

“I don’t have a strict plan. It’s as you wish, so I’d be happy to accommodate.” I jumped onto the dock and tied us off. “You guys can use the facilities to shower and change, then you should check out the diner on the next block over.”

“Great idea, I’m starving from that, but no fish,” one of them said to the other as they walked off.

“Hey Jade, that looked like a happy group of guests.” Allen walked down the dock to where I was rinsing things off. “Just came over to see how you were before my busy time starts.”

“Allen, did you talk to Mr. Hawthorne about not poaching your band and/or compensating you for stealing them?”
