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“Jade, it was the band’s decision to take the gig. It’s not like I own them.” Allen shrugged his easy-going shrug.

“No, Allen, they have plenty of money. Have you seen all of the power toys they have? I’ll talk to him when I see him tonight.” I pointed the hose toward Allen. “Now stop bothering me. See, it’s daytime, no kracken…yet.”

Chapter 46


Ifelt horrible, knowing the turn of events could have gone tragically wrong had she not noticed us riding around just above them.

I guess we’re back to her hating me again. I wouldn’t blame her this time, though.

“I can’t stop thinking about how bad today could have gone.” I rubbed the back of my neck. “I’m gonna go to the main island and try to apologize again.”

“Let it go, man. Besides, she’s not going to want to have anything to do with you.” Asher handed me a cold drink. “I, however, might still have a chance with her.”

“Stay away from her, Ash. She’s a nice girl.” I stormed off then walked back. “Sorry, I’m not mad at you. Just mad at the situation today.”

“Yeah, I know, and it sucked, but it’s over, man, let it go.” Asher downed his drink. “I’m going to get a shower and take a nap.”

“I’m going over to the main island. I’ll be back before dark.” I turned back to him. “What time are the guys getting here?”

“Around seven, so make sure blondie isn’t so mad she doesn’t bring the band.” Asher stood and kicked sand off his feet. “Actually, just bring the band yourself, since you’re gonna be there.”

“Maybe I will. See you later.”

We walked in opposite directions.

“Hey Josh, I need you to handle a few things for me.” I saw him standing nearby. “Grab your laptop and follow me.”

“Yes, sir. Sawyer, do you need the crew? I heard you mention going to the main island,” Josh asked.

“Yes, tell Captain Jim and the crew we’re shoving off in ten minutes. Then meet me on the yacht.” I called back as I walked away.

I went back to my room to grab my wallet and a fresh shirt, then went to the yacht.

“Captain Jim, are we ready to push off?” I asked, climbing aboard.

“We’re all here,” Captain Jim yelled down from the helm.

I gave Josh the two tasks of ordering flowers for Jade and Admiral, as well as ordering a couple of baskets of mixed bake goods from the bakery for them, and one for the nurse’s station.

“I’m sure, in this small town, the lady running the bakery will know just what the Admiral likes.”

We pulled into the marina and docked at the same spot we’d commandeered earlier.

“Josh, make sure those items are delivered very soon.” I jumped off onto the dock. “Do whatever you want, I’ll text when I’m ready to leave.”

The marina office was locked up tight, so I walked across the street to the pub in hopes of finding Allen.

“Hey there. I wonder if you could help me with something?” I leaned on a stool at the bar where Allen was wiping things down. “I couldn’t leave last night because the marina was pitch black. Do you have any idea why that was?”

“I think you’d have to ask Jade about that. I don’t feel right talking about her personal problems.” Allen made a drink and handed it to the guy next to me.

“If I guess, would you tell me if I’m wrong?” I asked, then went on when he shrugged. “I think maybe it was because the bills weren’t paid. Am I right?”

Allen nodded yes. “But I’ll deny I responded at all.”

“I’d like to help, but I’ve irritated her, and she seems proud.” I waited to see if he reacted to that, then went on. “Can you help me to help her?”
