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“Depends on what it is you want to do.” Allen leaned on his side of the bar.

“I’d like to pay her electric bill so the lights will be on. I worry that she will end up like Admiral, out there on the docks in the dark.”

“I agree with you there. Every night she goes out there to get the band, I worry.” Allen stood back up to help another customer.

I waited while Allen helped a few other people then walked back over to me.

“Since we’re talking, I’d like to mention that you’re hurting my business a bit by stealing my band.” Allen stared at me.

“I agree, it wasn’t a very nice thing to do. I tried to make a plan where you’d have them on the weekends, but is there something else I can do?” I smiled to lighten the awkwardness. “If I paid you for using them, would that compensate for them not being here?”

“It would but, understand, it’s not just about money. People in the area come here to relax and unwind with live music.”

“I should have thought about that.” I put my hand out to shake his. “I’ll get your band back here to you. I can bring a band in from anywhere. I was honestly trying to give the local band some work, not harm your business.”

“Thanks, Mr. Hawthorne, although they’ll probably be mad at me for bringing it up if you stop using them.” Allen shook his head. “I know Jade has been tough on you, but cut her some slack. She’s been going through a lot and it’s not her real personality.”

So, I’ve heard, Allen. Have a good night.” I walked out of the bar dialing Josh.

“The flowers are being delivered as we speak, along with the bakery items,” Josh said before I could ask. “What else do you need done?”

“I need you to get ahold of the electric company for the marina and pay all outstanding bills. Make sure the power is back on today, no matter the cost,” I said. “Then, call around and find me a band that can come and stay. I’ve hogged up the local band long enough.”

“Yes sir, and your aunt messaged that she is arriving later today to look over the final details and plans,” Josh said. “Shall I tell her we will be waiting at the marina?’

“No, it’s okay, Josh, I’ll call her myself.” I walked out onto the sidewalk and turned toward the hospital. “I’ll get back to you in about thirty minutes.”

Just walk in there and say hi to Admiral and apologize to Jade. She hates me, though. Just do it.

I walked into the hospital, telling myself I could and should apologize and make things better. I slowed passing the nurse’s station, happy to see them excited about the basket from the bakery. I tapped on the door, then peeked my head in slowly.

“Hi, is it okay to come in?” I asked to a dimly lit room.

“Come on in boy, don’t lurk in the hallway,” Admiral ordered. “You here to take more blood, or more tests?”

“Neither, sir, I’m just here to say hello.” I took a few steps into the room, looking around. “I hope I didn’t wake you.”

“On the contrary, you saved me from a nap that I don’t want,” Admiral grumped. “That girlie and Tommy Johnson think I’m some kinda old man that needs naps.”

“What girlie would that be?” I chuckled to myself. “You mean the nurse?”

“Well that one too but, no, my girlie- Jade.” Admiral sat up and pointed to the light switch. “Turn those lights on, boy, let me have a look at you.”

“Would you like the curtains open, too?” I flipped the lights on and went to the curtain. “It’s a nice day out there.”

“You’re that boy with the big fancy yacht, the one who pushed my girlie in the water.” Admiral laughed out loud. “You sure made her mad.”

“That would be me, I’m afraid. It was an accident, though. I didn’t mean to push her.” I shook my head laughing with Admiral now.

“It’s about time you admitted it. Now, could you go tell the whole town?” Jade asked from the doorway.

Chapter 47


“Abullhorn right through the middle of town would be perfect. Maybe pass out fliers.” I walked over to kiss my father and joined in his laughter. “Sorry, Mr. Hawthorne, I really don’t know why I get so mouthy around you.”

“Probably because I couldn’t admit to my crew that a pretty little blonde could topple me into the water.” He laughed with us now. “I was feeling like I had my rep to protect with the guys and acted stupidly.”
