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I dialed my aunt. “Hey there, I just found out, you’re in the area?”

“I am. I have some good news and some bad news. Plus, I wanted to see a few things for myself before these girls show up,” Aunt Victoria said. “Where are you?”

“I’m in town on the main island. I had a few things to do. I told Asher I’d bring his friends that are coming in tonight over when they land.” I spotted Josh up ahead. “I gotta run, see you tonight.”

“Don’t be too late. I’m leaving in the morning, so I’d like time to chat tonight,” Aunt Victoria said. “I like this new boat of yours.”

“I’m looking forward to seeing it.” I disconnected and waved to Josh.

“Sawyer, I put the fliers in every store, passed them out to people walking by, and plastered them, as you ordered, all along the path.” Josh smiled ear to ear. “You like this girl, don’t you?”

“I wouldn’t know if I like her or not. We’ve been at each other since that first day.” I shook my head. “That’s where all the antagonism started, when I somehow got tangled with her and we both fell in the water.”

“I believe it started when you yelled at her, then told everyone that she pushed you.” Josh smirked at me.

“You know you work for me, right? You’re supposed to agree with anything I say for fear of losing your job.” I took a flier from his hands.

“Oh please, Mr. Hawthorne, don’t fire me. I’m so, so sorry that dreadful beast of a girl pushed you in the water,” Josh acted out dramatically.

“Get out of here with that drama.” I laughed at Josh trying to act wounded. “You can go ahead back to the island. I’m gonna wait here for my new boat to come back.”

“Don’t forget, Asher’s friends are arriving around eight.” Josh looked at his watch. “That gives you approximately two hours to grovel.”

“You’re a funny guy, aren’t you?” I handed the fliers back to him.

“Sir, Asher’s friends just texted me that they’re here now.” Josh looked up from his cell. “Do you want me to bring them over on the yacht so you can take your time with Miss Jade?”

“Yeah, that’s a great idea. Thanks,” I said. “Where’s the bullhorn?”

“Right here.” He picked it up off the sidewalk by a wall. “I wish I was going to be here for whatever you have planned.”

“I’ll have someone video for you.” I waved and walked off with the bullhorn.

I went across the street to the hospital to visit Admiral, knowing Jade wasn’t there. I wondered if I’d be allowed to bring Admiral outside for the show, but when I walked into his room, I knew it wasn’t going to happen.

“Hi. Is he alright?” I asked the two nurses at his bedside. “Can I help?”

“No sir, he’s just having withdrawal. Could we ask you to wait in the family waiting room, please?” the one nurse asked. “We’ll have the doctor speak with you after.”

“I’m not his family. Should I contact Jade?” I worried she would be upset to not be here. “Hi, I’m Dr. Johnson. Jade’s already aware of what’s happening. How are you related?” he asked. “I thought I knew all of the Campbells.”

“I was trying to tell the nurses, I’m not related. I just came to visit Admiral while I’m waiting for Jade to get back.”

I put my hand out to shake. “I’m Sawyer Hawthorne. I’m the new owner of Cloud Nine. Or, you would know it as Sandpiper.”

“Oh, right, Jade mentioned someone had bought it. You’re the one that told the town she pushed you in the water?” Dr. Johnson smirked and went to Admiral’s bedside.

“The very one. But, she didn’t push me, and I’m planning to resolve that false rumor tonight.” I kept talking while he checked the Admiral. “What’s happening with him?”

“Well, it’s no secret that he’s an alcoholic. The most I can say is that he’s suffering greatly from withdrawal. Any more than that you’d have to get from him or Jade.”

“Thank you, Dr. Johnson.” I walked out of his room and out of the hospital.

I texted Aunt Victoria to see if Jade had left yet. “She dropped me off a few minutes ago. Why, what’s happening?”

“I’ll tell you about it later. Right now, I need to get over to the marina.” I hurried off the phone.

Chapter 49
