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Victoria had invited me to join her to look at the huts, and I was interested in seeing them but, before we got there, Tommy had called to say Dad was having some bad withdrawal. He told me not to hurry back because he was going to sedate him, but I wanted to be there with him.

“Sorry, Victoria, my dad is having a rough night. I need to get back. I’ll see you in the morning, though.”

“Don’t worry about it. Maybe on another trip.” Victoria waved it off.

“When did this dock get here?” I asked, pulling up to a brand new dock. “I was worried you were going to have to get in a dingy to get to shore.”

“That would not have happened,” Victoria said. “I’m not a dingy type. They’re too wobbly for my liking.”

“I know what you mean. Here comes Asher.” I jumped off to help her off the boat.

“Jade, pleasure to see you. How do you like our new dock?” Asher opened his arms to the whole dock area. “Pretty nice, right?”

“Yes, very nice. I have no idea how you got it built so quickly, though.” I jumped back on the boat.

“Money, that’s how.” Asher smiled up at me. “Money always talks.”

“How will I get back to the other side of the island?” Victoria interjected. “I just realized I don’t see another boat here.”

“I’m sure that Asher has that figured out. I can’t picture him being inconvenienced.” I walked to the helm on the boat and waved.

Money talks! Money talks! Arrogance, ugh! How is Victoria so normal?

Worry and regret were eating me up. I dialed the hospital to check on Dad.

“Hi, this is Jade. Did my father settle down yet?” I asked the nurse that answered.

“Yes, Dr. Johnson was here with him until he settled down. He’ll be out for the night, so take your time.” She paused. “Jade, my dad went through this kind of thing, so if you ever need to talk, just come find me.”

“Thanks, I just may take you up on that.” I disconnected.

Since Dad was resting peacefully, I took my time getting back. I decided to try some of the gadgets on the boat. This boat was pretty amazing. I was preoccupied with the toys on it as I was docking and barely noticed, until I tied off, that Bobby and Lucy were there waiting for me.

“What’s happened?” I scrambled for my cell. “I don’t have any messages. What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong. We thought, since Admiral is resting, you could come with us to the pub for a drink.” Lucy hugged me as soon as I jumped on to the dock. “Just for one drink.”

“Thanks guys, I appreciate it, but I’m feeling awful about not being there with Dad.” I stopped talking when I saw them exchange a look. “What’s going on, you two?”

“I promise, there’s nothing wrong. Come on, let’s go.” Lucy looped arms with me. “I’m happy to see the power back on.”

“Yeah, about that, I have no idea why it’s on and I’m afraid to call and ask in case it was by mistake.” I looked back at the marina as we exited the parking lot. “At least I won’t have to worry about monsters attacking me tonight.”

People were out on the sidewalk, like a parade was coming. I looked into the street to see what they were all looking at. A group of kids biked by us, holding papers that I was now noticing all over the street, on every pole and window.

“Grab one of those fliers, Bobby. Maybe it says why everyone is out on the sidewalk.” I pointed to the poll closest to him.

“Um, yeah, I think this is going to explain the activity.” Bobby looked to me, still holding the flier.

“Pass it here, already.” I reached for the flier, then saw a gathering of people down the block. “What’s all the commotion down there? Should we go see?”

“I think you should read the flier, Jade.” Bobby held the flier up for me to read.

“What! Who did this?” I screeched. “People just stopped teasing me about this. Who is bringing this up again?”

“Attention, everyone. I wanted to let you know that Jade Campbell did not push me into the water.” Sawyer rode a bicycle down the middle of Main Street, speaking into a bullhorn. “Please be sure to let her know you heard my message, and it wasn’t her fault.”
