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“You have a bedroom on your plane. I’m sure you have a change of clothes in there.” I took her hands. “Why don’t you stay and relax. Asher could use some looking after. Look at him.”

“Uncle Henry is starting to think I have a boyfriend on this island. I’ve been coming here so much.” She laughed at herself. “Who am I kidding? He barely noticed I was gone. He and Parker have been deep into some new valve.”

“So, we should hope to see them around Christmas time?” I joked.

“Mom! What are you doing here? Again?” Asher hugged her. “Do you remember Angelo and Mike?”

“Hello boys, I think I saw you at the last charity event.” Aunt Victoria smiled to each of them. “Asher, join us for a bite, then I have to leave.”

“You can’t stay?”

Chapter 65


Ichecked my cell after Gunner and the guys borrowed Dad’s truck to go into town. I had about an hour until Dad would be waking up and I’d said I would make cookies. Lou had wanted to help, but I needed to hurry, so he’d have to help next round.

I don’t have the ingredients to make all the requests, so they’ll just have to have what I do make.

The marina phone laid on the counter next to me. In past years it would have been ringing off the hook but, with the way the marina was in disrepair and Dad not at his best, it wasn’t a wonder business was slow. The phone rang as if on cue.

“Hello, Paradise Cay. This is Jade, how can I help you?” I said into the phone. “Oh, hi Mrs. Willow. Did you need something?”

“My grandson and his friends are coming to stay with me for a week and they want to go out fishing and diving. Do you still offer that?” Mrs. Willow kept talking. “With your father hurt I was worried the marina would be closing.”

“Mrs. Willow, I’ve been running the marina and the excursions and, yes, we do offer both.” I paused to take a deep calming breath. “What days would you like to schedule?”

“Put them down for Wednesday and Thursday afternoon, then they can decide what to do which day,” Mrs. Willow said. “Come by the bakery and get some of the donuts your father likes.”

“I’m making his favorite cookies today, but I’ll come by in the morning.” I said. “Thanks for thinking of us for the excursions. I have to run now.”

My text buzzed on the table.It was Victoria. “We should talk about the activities Sawyer asked you to handle. Let me know when you are available to discuss.”

“I can talk now. What’s the problem?”

“You are one of the brides, so you may not have time.”

“I can coordinate the activity while being part of it. Don’t worry about it.”

“If you think you can, then I guess we don’t have a problem. I’ll see you next week, but I’ll message you later this week with details.”

“Sounds good. You know where to find me.”

“I was serious about those cookies.”

“I’ll be sure to teach Sawyer’s chef, although if he’s a chef, he doesn’t need teaching.”

“We will see. Okay, Asher is wanting to talk to me. I need to go.”

“Has he gotten over the scare from this morning?”

“That was very funny. I knew you would like it. Bye, now.”

“Bye, Victoria, and thanks.”

Interesting that she thought I would like a video of Asher. Could he be the groom? Oh, no! Is he the groom?

I put the cookie trays in the oven and ran to the shower. My hair would have to wait until the next shower. This would be a lick and a promise bath. A quick change of clothes. I poured Moose, Dad’s dog, a bowl of food and clean water just as the timer went off on the oven.
