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“You have to watch this video from this morning before we get to Asher.” I pulled the video up on my cell. “Here, watch it while we fly back.”

“Hold on, she needs to watch where she’s walking. All of you do.” Jade stepped in front of her. “Follow me. Once you get to the plane you can watch it.”

“Why don’t we watch it now together? You know my son, so you should watch it too.”

Victoria stepped closer with the video starting. “Oh my, you boys scared my poor baby boy.”

“Was he mad?” Jade laughed. “I felt nervous for him just watching. These guys are really scary.”

“He said he was gonna get me back at some point, but I don’t know why he would get me back. It was their idea completely.” I shrugged. “I just took the video and they had to tell me to video it.”

“Somehow, I don’t think you hated it, though. You and Asher have been doing these things to each other your whole lives.” Aunt Victoria handed my cell back. “You should save that video for a little fun blackmail later, like when he tricks you into doing a bachelor auction.”

“Nope, no more auctions for me.” I paused. “Let me email it to myself quick. That way, if he deletes it from my cell, I still have it.”

“You guys are sneaky with each other,” Jade laughed. “I wouldn’t have guessed this behavior, but I kinda like it.”

“You should have seen his face when Asher tricked him into doing a bachelor auction for Easter.” Victoria tilted her head, looking at the ocean. “I guess the Hawthorne playboys will be no more.”

“I’ll have to hear more about this auction someday.” Jade pulled the plane door open for Aunt Victoria. “Good seeing you again, Victoria.”

“Those cookies were really good. You’ll have to teach Marcus how to make them like that.” Aunt Victoria slipped her headphones on and closed the door.

Why would she teach my chef how to make cookies instead of her chef?

Aunt Victoria and I went back to Cloud Nine. I’d wanted to go see the Admiral, for reasons I couldn’t figure out, but I did. Asher had texted earlier that he was going out on his boat with his friends.

“What were you wanting to discuss today?” I asked, helping her out of the plane.

“Have you thought it out completely, about having a fancy party here?” She walked alongside of me on the dock. “I was thinking about it and you may not want to let the paparazzi know where your island is.”

“That’s a valid point. It’s nice to come here and not be bothered,” I nodded in agreement. “But if not here, then where?”

“Funny you should ask.” She smirked. “I think, have it in New York. “

“New York? I’m not so sure about that.” I pulled a chair out for her at the table and buzzed Josh. “I mean, New York is our worst nightmare, especially for big events.”

“Hear me out. We plan a big Hawthorne Charity two-day event for the end of the month, and you bring the last two girls.” Aunt Victoria paused, then went on. “You take one girl each night. This way, the press will just think you are being the usual Sawyer with different dates.”

“Makes sense. What else?” I prompted her to go on.

“The girls will get a taste of limos, private planes, flashing cameras in their faces,” she said. “Murphy and Poppy have agreed to take each girl shopping for gowns, etc., and get makeovers. Well, that is if Poppy doesn’t go into labor by then.”

“What if they don’t need a makeover? Plus, I like the natural look. No fancy stuff,” I disagreed.

“Makeover is a general term, Sawyer. I mean get their hair and nails done, that kind of thing.” Aunt Victoria turned her chair to face the water. “I understand you want a wife that loves this, and who wouldn’t, but we both know she will have to live the other side of the Hawthornes as well.”

“Yes, that’s why we were going to have a party here on the island, but it makes sense.” I turned my chair like hers. “I still think I should have a group of my friends come here for a more informal gathering, then.”

“I like that idea. Maybe have some of the family come too, so they’re not meeting everyone at once.” She seemed excited about her idea. “Poppy may not want to fly so late in her pregnancy, but Cota would come and Trey mentioned wanting to come visit the island.”

“Can Mia fly this early in her pregnancy? Because she could be really helpful, having done this already.” I leaned forward on my knees. “I like this plan. I‘m glad you thought of it.”

“I think it’ll be perfect. The family has gotten quite used to mail-order brides by now, too.” Victoria pointed to the dock. “Looks like my son has finally made it back. Hopefully, he hasn’t had too much to drink already.”

“Don’t hold your breath for that to be true.” I stood and waved Asher over. “Did he know you were coming?”

“No, I didn’t even know I was coming until I asked my pilot to turn the plane around,” she said. “I don’t have overnight stuff with me, so I’ll be leaving very soon.”
