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“Miss Campbell, are you in there?” I heard from outside the kitchen window.

You have got to be kidding me with this guy.

“Go around to the front door, please.” I called for Moose to come. “Good boy. Let’s go get rid of the bad man.”

Moose turned his head side to side as if to say “What bad man?” The minute I pulled the front door open, Moose started growling and showing his teeth.

“Mr. DeLuca, Moose is an ex-marine, and I might not be able to stop him from harming you.” I signaled Moose to stay. “You have ten seconds before I give him the signal to attack.”

“I’m here to see about buying this beat-up marina.” DeLuca took a step back when Moose growled louder. “There is no way you can clear the violations, so you might as well let me take it off your hands.”

“Your time is up, Mr. DeLuca. Now get off my property.” I looked down to Moose, still growling. “Moose, are you hungry for snake?”

“I’m not afraid of your dog, but you better be afraid of me. I’m warning you,” Deluca said through gritted teeth.

“I would be afraid of Moose. I’ve seen him chew up four dogs in the same fight.” Gunner’s voice came out low and stern from behind DeLuca. “What about you, Lou? Would you be afraid of Moose?”

“I saw him dive into a lagoon and come out with a shark in his teeth.” Lou stepped up next to Gunner. “Just who are you?”

“I’m no one. I was just leaving, but I’ll be back, Miss Campbell.” Deluca snarled back at me as he walked away backwards, right into the wall of a chest belonging to Charlie.

“Mr. DeLuca, I see you’re in a hurry, so I’ll be brief.” Charlie stepped within inches of DeLuca’s face. “Our marine buddy owns this marina and we’re here to take care of it for him. Step foot on this property one more time and it won’t be Moose you’ll be dealing with.”

“Stay away from me.” DeLuca scurried around Charlie, fumbling with his keys. “I mean it. Stay away and don’t think you can threaten me.”

“It’s not a threat. It’s a promise,” Robert said, leaning on DeLucas car. “Moose is a sweetheart compared to these guys. You have a nice day, now.”

“I’ll be back and with the police. You can’t threaten me,” DeLuca snarled from inside his car.

“License plate number T67 LVG, DeLuca, who lives at 824 Greenwood Rd.” Robert stood at his car window. “Should I go on with the information I have on you?”

DeLuca sped out of the parking lot, squealing his tires and throwing rocks in every direction.

“Moose, come boy,” Gunner called out. “That’s a good boy. He doesn’t know you’re a nice boy, does he?”

“How do you know Moose?” I was shocked that Moose went to him on command. “He’s usually moody about strangers.”

“I knew his father and I met him when he was born, just before I lost contact with Guy.” Gunner got on the ground wrestling with Moose. “Dogs are smart. He knows who’s good or bad.”

“You don’t have to be a dog to know that DeLuca is slime.” Lou sniffed the air. “I think I smell more cookies.”

“I think you’re part dog, sniffing out those cookies from out here.” I crossed my arms. “Like I said, you guys are scary.”

“Nah, that was fun. I don’t think he’ll be back.” Robert knelt down to pet Moose. “I bet you miss Guy, don’t you, boy?”

“Let’s sneak him into the hospital,” Charlie said. “You and Gunner can distract the nurses while me and Lou sneak by them with Moose.”

“I don’t hear any of this. You four are trouble.” I turned to go inside. “I have to get the cookies and get over to Dad.”

“I’m gonna show the boys the boats, then we’ll come over to visit,” Charlie said as I ran back out the door with the cookies. “Lock up, okay?”

Tommy was waiting for me when I ran into my dad’s room. Dad was awake and they were talking about the leg injury and the prognosis for recovery.

“Hey Dad, look what I brought you.” I opened the container for him to look. “Your favorite.”

“Jade, girlie, you haven’t baked those in a long time.” Dad took a cookie from the container. “Tommy, you need to try one of these.”

Tommy took a cookie, then pulled the chair up to the bedside.
