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“My proposition will sound crazy, but it is a chance for you to get yourself together and have some money to start the kind of life you want.” She paused, then went on when I nodded. “I’m proposing you become a mail-order bride.”

“A what?” I stood and paced. “Did you say ‘bride’?”

“Now, before you say no, hear me out.” She paused. “I’m working with an agency out of Australia that provides wives for the rich and sometimes famous.”

“I don’t understand.” I sat back down when she gestured for me to.

“I personally have bought brides for several of my family members and now I’m looking for another,” Victoria smiled. “Gunner thinks you’re a good candidate for this agency.”

“If I’m hearing you correctly, you’re saying you want me to agree to marry a stranger.” I chewed on my shaking lip.

“That’s it in a nutshell, but what we can provide for you is security and a home,” she stared at me for a moment, then went on, “a family.”

“But why me? How long do I have to be married if I agree?” I asked. “Would I be required to do anything?”

“I would want you to stay married for a minimum of a year.” She held her hand up to stop me from speaking, then smiled. “You will also receive a substantial amount of money that would be all yours to use as you wish.”

“Would I have to move to Australia?” I tapped my foot nervously. “Also, would I pick who I marry? No, I suppose the person buying picks.”

“Correct. In this case I would be choosing, then preparing you to meet your husband,” Victoria explained. “You would not be obligated to do anything you don’t want to do, besides being in his company and supporting him mentally and emotionally.”

“Australia?” I repeated.

“No, you would stay in the states. His primary home is in New York City,” she said. “He does travel a lot, for pleasure mostly, but lately for business, too.”

“You said ‘preparing me’.” I scrunched up my face. “You would want to change how I look?”

“No, not change your look, just refine it. The man you would agree to marry is part of my family. He is actually one of my sons. We live a very public life and he is frequently in the tabloids.”

“So like, fancy clothes and such?” I asked. “Why me?”

“Because you’re a good person that needs a break and my son could use someone like you in his life,” Victoria said. “I know this sounds so formal and businesslike but, when I see someone I can help that would also help me, well, I move forward quickly.”

“I get that.” I looked to Gunner then back to Victoria. “It would kinda be like getting adopted.”

“Interesting way to look at it.” Victoria thought. “Yes, I suppose it is like an adoption.”

“I always wanted to be adopted, but, as I got older, I knew it wouldn’t happen. People want babies,” I rambled. “I like the idea of being part of a family.”

“You can take today to decide. I’ll have Gunner bring you the contract to read over.” Victoria opened her purse and handed me a business card. “I’m always available to talk to if you have questions.”

“What if I want to leave sooner?” I blurted out.

“The contract will read you have to stay three months and, after that, you would get your money, as long as there is a reason that warrants your leaving before a year,” she replied. “Paige, please understand that, if you are miserable, I will release you. This is a means to and end, not a prison sentence.”

“Can I meet him before I decide?” I asked. “Is that allowed?”

“There are no rules to how we do this.” Victoria stood. “Our family owns this mall and we are having a charity ball here Saturday night. Why don’t you come?”

“I would rather observe him without him knowing, unless that’s creepy,” I shrugged. “That wouldn’t be fair. Is there another way?”

Chapter 43


Ichecked in with Nicole to make sure all the deliveries were set for the ball. We had thirty-six hours to get it ready and I wanted to impress my family. I was tired of being the joke. I’d brought it on myself by the way I’d been living my life, but not anymore. I checked my cell to see if Apple answered.

I wonder if I scared her, asking her to come to the fire. Wait a minute, I’m not ready. I need to get out of here.
