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“Red, maybe he got busy.” Gunner sat next to me.

“Maybe he changed his mind,” I said back.

“You ready to sign the contract and get a wonderful, happy life started?” Gunner handed me a pen. “I promise you, it’s a good decision.”

“Imogen said it was the best thing she ever did. She also said she trusts you with her life.” I looked into his serious face. “You truly believe this is the best thing?”

“I do. Let’s have a merry Christmas.”

I hugged his neck, then scribbled my signature on the contract. I’d made my decision, thanks to this wonderful new friend.

“Let’s go tell Victoria.” I jumped up feeling so much better.

The party was over when we got back and most of the guests had already left. I looked around for Victoria to let her know, but Gunner said she had already left with the family for the hospital.

“They go straight from the party every year to deliver the wreaths and gifts,” Gunner explained. “I’ll let her know later. You have a good night.”

“Good night, Gunner.” I hugged him. “Will I see you tomorrow?”

“The kids’ charity event is tomorrow. I’ll be here and so will you,” Gunner winked. “It’s also Christmas Eve tomorrow. Make sure you tell Santa what you want.”

Chapter 53


As we do every year, the family sang a few songs, then said our goodbyes. I made my way around the room to the different women that had the sparkly phone cases. On my approach to two of them, I realized they were women I already knew, and it would not be them. I spent a few minutes with each, quickly seeing that each one was not Apple. The only one I hadn’t spoken with was the elf who was nowhere to be found. The limos were loaded and ready for our annual family visit to deliver toys and wreaths. I usually enjoyed this part of the charity ball, even though most of my family thought I enjoyed the party the most. I climbed into the limo with Sawyer, Jade, August, and Imogen. They were rambling on about the songs and how bad we sounded. I was deep in thought and not paying close attention to the discussions.

Who was she? I was so close and I lost her. Why hasn’t she messaged me?

We got to the first hospital within ten minutes. I was the first one out, as was my mother from her limo. She met me in stride.

“What’s the sour look on your face? It can’t be because you fell, I know you better than that,” she said. “Are you thinking about an elf? Oops, I meant a wife.”

“You’re always funny, Mother.” I nudged her. “Thanks for that.”

“You do the same for me, Son. I’d say the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree.” She winked and we entered the hospital wing with the children.

Apple? Why would she say that? What an odd coincidence. Why haven’t I heard from her?

I pulled my cell out for the hundredth time to check for a message, and there it was, along with four other text messages. I heard several other cell phones chime and watched each person look to their phone.

“Did you guys just get messages from earlier, too?” I asked.

“Yeah, I did. We must have had bad service earlier.” August shrugged and put his cell away. “I only missed messages from you guys.”

I hesitantly opened my messages.

“Why didn’t you come find me?She messaged.

Oh no! She thinks I didn’t want to meet her.

“Apple, I’m sorry about not meeting you at the party. I was on my way to meet you and duty called.”

She didn’t respond. I had a sinking feeling she may never respond again. She thinks I stood her up. My mother was giving me the “put your phone away” look. I slipped it into my pocket and went to entertain the kids. Gunner and the guys came in a few minutes later, carrying toys. The rest of the night was a whirlwind of hospitals, wreaths of all sizes, and toys. I climbed into the limo after our last hospital but, this time, Gunner and Charlie were with me.

“What do you two know?”

“What do we know? That’s a loaded question.” Gunner leaned back in the seat.
