Page 47 of Saint

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“So then I’ll have Wendy call you with the appointment once your blood work comes back. Go see Shawna. She’s the best stick here in the office.” Doctor Emil Santori hands me a towel so I can clean up after my gynecological physical. Gio recommended him as he was the one to take over his business when he had to retire. While Gio tied my tubes, his prodigy will untie them.

“Your charts indicated that when Doctor Sala performed the original surgery, he used clamps. Meaning I will not have to reattach the tubes, and you will not have an issue concerning scar tissue as they are intact.”

I start to pull on my clothes, “How long will recovery take and how long till we can start trying to get pregnant?”

“The procedure is done laparoscopically, so very little in the way of trauma externally, and the genitalia is not involved. Recovery is about two weeks of rest, so no surgeries on the books, as you’ll likely tire very easily. After that, you can resume sex, but I recommend condoms until you’ve had two menstrual cycles, as this lowers the risk of entopic pregnancy. You do know there are easier ways? IVF is a very successful procedure these days.”

I shake my head. “No, I want him involved. It’s a bonding thing. I don’t want to bond with a beaker and a turkey baster.”

He chuckles. “Fair enough, you know that there are risks and a more than thirty percent chance that you may not conceive this way and will have to resort to IVF even as healthy as you are.”

“Whatever it takes, and I do understand. Thank you, when do you think?”

“Wendy would know my schedule better than me, but I’d say a couple of weeks.”

I nod and take a long, cleansing breath. “So if this works, I could be pregnant by late August and be giving birth by June.”

“It is very possible.”

“Thank you.”

“Do you have any more questions?”

“No, I think I got it. Besides, I have to get back to the clinic. I have a mastectomy reconstruction and a facelift still on the books for today.”

“I’ll see you in a couple of weeks then. I would suggest you start taking some prenatal vitamins as soon as possible. They will help boost you.” He shakes my hand and then leaves me to finish up and cry my eyes out.

I’m not sad. I’m just realizing that I’m finally over the horrors that lead to my ligation. For the first time in as long as I can remember, I feel like I’m finally going to be whole, and it’s all thanks to Saint Westmoreland.
