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I take a swig of my flask before peeling down the road. Lori tried getting in my head, but I didn’t make a show of her remarks. This wasn’t supposed to be about me. It was about her. I do appreciate Nikki—er—Nicolette— biting back. She might just make it through this transition if she keeps that up.

I hardly get on to the main strip when I see a flash of denim and cream. I slow a bit to find Nicolette looking equal parts pissed and pouty. Pulling up alongside her with a tap of the horn makes her glance at me before dropping her head back. A fast swipe under each eye has her stepping toward the car.

“Hey, tired of the party already?” She tries to act as if nothing is wrong but is failing miserably. I could ask her the same.

I point to the buttery leather seat beside me. “You like chocolate peanut butter banana pancakes?”

“Not if you’re drivin’.” She looks from the seat to me.

I drop the car into park with a shrug before grabbing my nuts to make sure they clear the gearshift and plant my drunk ass into the passenger seat. “No excuses now.”

She tosses her purse through the window at me before walking around the car to get in. “Where am I drivin’ ya?” She buckles up.

“Us, where ya driving us—” I snicker, lifting her purse. It’s not the biggest I’ve seen, but it’s a tad weighty. “Hey, you got any chapstick in here? My lips are kinda dry, and I can't have that.”

“Yeah, if you open it, there is a pocket to the left. Should have chapstick and lip gloss both.”

“Hmm, I reach inside. Cherry and tinted?” I chuckle, rather impressed she actually knows where shit is in the bag. “Most women I know have to dump out to find anything.” I finish looking inside to find that it’s got all the usual suspects. Makeup, cellphone, Kindle, iPod, some brand of tampon I’ve never heard of before. I also see a glint of silver and gold. She took off all her rings and bracelets, and it looks like her phone is actually off. “You tryin to be a kidnap vic?”

“The only car I’ve seen was yours, and if anyone was getting kidnapped, it wouldn’t be me. Besides, if someone did try to take me, I would scream, and everyone would hear. If that didn’t work, I wouldn’t go down without a fight. I would bite, scratch, or pull out their hair. There’d be a lot of DNA to find my killer.” She glances at me and then back to the road. “Where are we going?”

“Killer? Sheesh, woman, I said kidnapped, not murdered! That was fuckin’ dark. You know Pee Wee’s?”

“No, I haven't met him.” She looks toward my crotch. “As for murdered. See, if someone kidnapped me, it would have to be to rape me because I don’t have any money for ransom. Therefore, if someone tried to rape me, they would have to kill me before I killed them. Again DNA.”

My little chuckle raises a bit. “You don’t get out much, do you? As for this?” I can’t help but address the cock situation. “Ain’t nothing pee wee about it. Not that you will find out, I’m not a trainer.”

“I’m sure you ain’t got nothing on Kevin Bacon. I read somewhere that it really was him in the Wild Things movie.”

“Yeah? Well, I’m taller.” I wink as she pulls into a space at the twenty—four—hour supermarket. “Now, speaking of over-inflated meats, let’s go get some real bacon.”

She laughs so hard she snorts. “Are you saying yours is prosthetic?” Shutting the car off, she gets out, taking her purse with her.

I shake my head and pop the trunk, knowing I’m gonna have to stay on my toes to deal with this girl. I’m sobering up, but at two—thirty in the fuckin’ mornin’, all I really want is some food, a cigarette, and a bath. I get the grabber and head for the entrance. She’s just inside the automatic door, and I head for the motorized buggy. Unplugging it, I sit with a smirk on my face. She shakes her head, and I pat my knee.

“My feet work just fine. I can walk.”

I shrug and start it up, hauling straight for her, “Mush!”

She comes to stand beside me. “I’m not a bit—” She squeals as I grab her about the middle pulling her onto my lap. “a bitch.” She finishes flicking me in the head but with a smile on her face.

“Let me know if you see the clothes section. Ain’t neither of us walkin’ in my house with all this fuckin’ glitter on. Bad enough, it’s in the car.”

“You did this to me, not the other way around. Speaking of—hold still.” She reaches for my face, I’m assuming to get glitter off of it. “You were starting to get a Rudolph vibe.”

“Thanks, Tink.” I nod as we go down the aisle toward produce.

“If I’m Tink, are you Pan?”

“Some would say I qualify as a lost boy.” I reach into my pocket to grab my flask, only to have her stay my hand, making me look at her.

“You’re riding me around, not drinking and riding.”

I tilt my head, technically—” I grunt slightly, using the grabber to get a box of corn flakes off a lower shelf. “You’re riding me around.”

“True, but it's kind of lumpy.”

I burst out laughing. “That’s gotta be the first time I’ve heard that!” My head drops to her shoulder as I shake with laughter. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a good laugh. Maybe Cliff was right. Maybe she will be good for me.
