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With a laugh I plank on the mattress. I guess she told me. As I’m laying here trying to roll it all over in my head I hear footfalls and scratching at the door. Getting up I swing it open before whoever it is can knock, Bowzer yips running my me and going straight for the bathroom door. Gillian and I watch as he barks, the door opens and slaps shut on his entrance.

“Sorry, I know this is nuttier than a payday bar, but we need to know where you hid the studio stuff. You told Blue to get it, but there’s nothing downstairs.”

“Yeah, I got space above, go down toward the mud room, there’s a wall covered in carpet for Cat, press hard and it opens to stairs.”



“My dad said you could be a little paranoid. But I didn’t take ya as the panic room type.”

“Oh shush, and earn that salary I’m paying you all till you start selling records.”

“Be nice to the girl, Kris they are obviously doing what you told them to do.”

“Make sure you dress for the bike. They’re gonna follow and store the car for me after we get everything. Fortunately, they have the vans.” Coming out in her towels, she flips me the finger and stomps into the closet. Fingers to the bridge of my nose, I shake my head, pretty sure that’s a migraine. I need a fucking drink.

“Pack the rocker!” She calls from the closet.

“Yes, dear,” I say like a little old man with sass and sarcasm.

Her head pokes out of the closet. “What did you call me?”

Looking left, then right, I say nothing, just escape into the hallway.


“Thank you, tell your Pops we need to get together, have a rootbeer or something.” I hug Gillian and then kiss little Piper before looking over my shoulder at my still rather incensed fiance.

“I’ll do that, good luck.” She pats my chest picking up her kid and heading for my car. She’s taking it because of these band members she’s the one I trust the most.

“Thanks.” Hand shakes and a couple more hugs have me walking straight toward the house boat, with my hazel eyed devil woman staring me down, Cat in her arms and Bowzer sitting beside her, like some mini scruffy hellhound. I stop on the ramp eyeing her. “Permission to come aboard and kiss the first mate?” I smirk.

“You can kiss Cat.” She rolls her eyes at me. “I’m still upset that you wanted to break up with me.”

“Tink, that was not what I was doing. I swear to you, I was processing, without a drink in my hand or a cigarette between my fingers. This is all very new to me. Being sober, being completely in love, being for an instance happy. The last time I was happy…” I look at the stern of the boat, look at it’s name. The Wild Huntsman. My father has it rechristened after Claudette was born as we started calling her Pixie. “The last time, I woke up to the world on fire.”

“What you said sure sounded like you wanted to break up with me. I was hurt. I’m sorry.” She looks around. “I think I need to start putting the food and stuff away while you get us moving.”

“They loaded everything down into the freezers already. How’s about I teach you how to drive this baby?” I take a tentative step toward her. “This way I can kiss you silly and maybe you’ll forgive me before lunch?”

“Don’t hold your breath. Get us away from prying eyes, Pan.” She palms my face pushing me away with a smile.

We have been on the water for about three hours when I set us to drift. Nicolette spent that time setting up spaces for Cat and Bowzer so that they will be more comfortable long term. When we left for Easter, we let Cat stay home, but there was no doing that this time. We agreed they needed some of their own space, just like kids and so one of the bedrooms is now a puppy, kitty play space. I didn’t think Cat would like being on the water, but he’s sitting right up top on Nicolette’s chest as she reads on her kindle in the rocker we took from the house.

I’ve been on the phone most of the last two hours, between Erica and Michelle they agree that we need to keep it quiet. The blackmail that is. As for our relationship, they think that the sooner we make a statement the better it will be. Now I have to tell this to her.

Going up to the top deck she’s reading, but it also looks like she’s nodding off. I brought a peace offering of food. With everything we still had in the freezers it wasn’t hard to put together a decent spread of meats, cheeses and sweets.

“Hey, Tink?” I say softly putting a tray down next to her for us.

“I’m starting to get a complex. Are you trying to make me fat? I can’t run it off out here.”
