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“Well-” I waggle my brows. “You can burn some of it off, but I might die.” I bump my shoulder against hers. “I figured you’d be hungry we did miss breakfast with all the fleeing.”

“I suppose I could eat. So, talk Pan. You only feed me when I’m sick or you want to talk to me.”

I scratch my head. “Do I? I didn’t realize. My momma used to do it with my dad. Anytime she had an uncomfortable thing to tell him, she’d bring food. I guess it rubbed off. Sorry.”

“It’s just one of your litte quirks. Like when your frustrated you run your hand through your hair or scratch your head like just now. Sit down, let’s get this conversation over with so I can go back to liking you again.”

“Liking me huh? Here I am loving your guts and you just wanna like me? Wow, and I wanted to take you diamond shopping later today-but if you just like me.” I give her a pointed look as she returns it with a fuck around and find out of her own.

“I never said I didn’t still love you but I haven’t much liked you today.”

“The get ready to really not like me. We have to come up with a public statement by the end of the week, that defines our relationship into a context the media can accept.” I’m chewing my pinky nail, it’s a nervos tick I haven’t had since high school, but I’m acutely aware of it and the fact that I just tore my damn nail in half. Yep, blood.

Nicolette grabs a napkin and wraps it around my finger. “Would you stop that.” She scolds. “I’ve been thinking about our problem. I want to write a tell all. Then set up interview with one of the talk shows. That to me seems to be the easiesT way to get everything out there. That is what you want correct?”

“I-I-don’t know. I wish it wasn’t something we had to talk about, but with celebrity in a tech world, what choice is there?” It dawns on me she’s talking about a book- “Wait you want to what?”
