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Two weeks of long days and late nights. I wish I could say they were fun nights. To say Kris and I are exhausted is an understatement. I tried to tell him it’s already going to be a shotgun wedding, so I really don’t know why he wants the white dress and slacks kind of thing. I think he’s nuts with everything else going on.

Right now, we’re sitting in a conference room waiting on our new team of doctors to come in and talk to us. I’ve had multiple tests run today. We’ve been here since seven this morning, and it’s almost one now. I was able to handle all the exams except one. I know the doctors needed to see how the baby was, but I couldn’t stand the idea of seeing the baby until I knew my body could handle being pregnant. Kris held my hand the entire time. We agreed together not to look. Once, I explained to him if I saw the baby and the doctors told me it could kill me, I still wouldn’t be able to do what the right thing would be.

What is the right thing exactly? This is what I’ve been asking myself since I got that call that told me I was pregnant. Would giving my baby up be the right thing? Would keeping it and possibly leaving it motherless be good for it?

“They are taking forever. I feel like we’ve been sitting here for hours.” I growl.

Kris gives my hand a gentle squeeze before grabbing my purse. “You’re not wrong, and I’m pretty sure you’re getting hangry.” I watch as he just rifles through my bag. Before I can ask him what the heck he’s doing, he hands me a Cliffbar. A Chocolate chip one. “Eat this before you spit nails at an undeserving nurse or worse, fiance.”

“Of course I’m hungry. We’ve been here since seven this morning, and I’ve gone through so many damn tests I’m tired and hangry. I want pickles wrapped in a fruit roll-up with Blue Heat Takis.”

He visibly shudders. “If there was any question as to if you are actually pregnant. I’ll get it for you, but I will not watch you eat it, let you have it in public, or kiss you until you’ve brushed your teeth after.”

“You might as well get used to it. It’s what I want. Could be for one bite or the entire pregnancy. I’ve read where some women eat soap.”

“If you feel like you got a dirty mouth, I’ll get you some Orbit.”

“Bite me.” I roll my eyes at him, then scoot my chair back and start pacing. “If it’s taking this long, it can’t be good news, right?”

“I wouldn’t begin to speculate, I mean-” He stops looking past me. Just as the door opens, a young nurse pops her head inside.

“Miss Barrett, Mister Kingsman, would either of you like something to drink? Water? Coffee? An herbal tea, perhaps?”

“Dill pickles, fruit roll-up, and Blue Heat Takis with ice water and fresh lemon.”

The nurse presses her lips together. I’m not sure if it’s to keep from laughing or gagging, though. “Um-Well, I can probably get you a nutragrain bar with some hot sauce and an apple. You might get something closer in the cafeteria downstairs, though. I could make a call.”

“Ugh. Can you tell us when the doctors will be in here? I have other places to be.”

Before the nurse can answer, the doctors walk in. “Miss Barrett, if you’ll sit down, we’ll get started.”

I take my seat and take Kris’ hand in a death grip. “It’s bad, isn’t it?” I can’t hold my words.

“Carrying a baby is never easy on a woman’s body. Though you do have extra precautions. The biggest issue we think you’re going to have to face is Fetal Toxicity from your Immunosuppressive drugs. There’s nothing you can do about it as you can’t go off of them. As you may know, going off your prescriptions will most definitely kill you. The drugs will be harmful to your unborn child.” Doctor Shaw says.

“Use of these types of drugs during pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of first-trimester pregnancy loss and increased risk of congenital malformations, especially external ear and other facial abnormalities including cleft lip and palate, and anomalies of the distal limbs, heart, esophagus, and kidney. Of course, there’s also the chance of the fetus being born prematurely.” Doctor O’Neill cuts in.

I look at Kris because all they are managing to do is freak me the fuck out. Doctor Shaw speaks up again before I can say anything.

“Everything is a fifty-fifty chance. All we can do is speculate based on research and what we’ve encountered.”

Kris nods. “If we make it through this first leg, do odds improve? Or I mean, is it a wait-and-see type of situation? Cause I’ll be honest docs if we have to wait, and something goes wrong, I don’t think and pardon my pun, but either of our hearts will be able to take it.” He looks at me, squeezing my hand gently.

“With the right regimen, it is our understanding that the odds do get better. Balanced meals, exercising, and rest in the right amounts will be needed. The fetus will have a seventy percent chance of no abnormalities, and Nicolette has the same at surviving.” Doctor Shelton finally speaks up.

“Thirty percent,” Kris says so low I almost don’t hear him. “We need better than that.” Again he’s not speaking to us.

“Right now, we can’t give you better than that. It will improve with each trimester. I’m sorry, but where we stand right now this is what we can give you.” Doctor Shaw says.

“So we just need to make it to week thirteen and it will start to look up. I am guessing there’s a slew of vitamins, foods you’ll rec and what not.” He looks to me again. “We can do this, if it’s what you want.” He sounds confidant.

“Can we have a moment to talk?” I speak to the doctors but I’m looking at Kris.

“Of course, we’ll be just outside once you’ve made your decisions.” Doctor Shaw says.

I don’t speak until I hear the door close. “I’m scared. How do we do this living on a boat?”

“It’s no different than living out of a tour bus. We do what they ask, and keep all the appointments. I can arrange to have an aide or equivalent come out for regular visits, and once we get to go back to being on land, we just keep it up. Nothing changes, except everything. We keep working, you’re not going to be shaking your ass all over a three hundred-degree stage. I think if you want this, we make it work. I am right here, I promise you that. No matter what may come.”

“They said exercise, how am I supposed to do that on the boat?”

“Oh, I don’t know-swim?” He smiles. “It’s actually the best exercise, easier on the joints, and everything else that may hurt down the road. When it gets cold, there’s always an infinity pool. I always wanted one, but was too lazy to make the call.”

“You just have all the answers don’t you?” I lay my head against him. “Dad is absolutely going to kill you.”
