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Waking up I stretch with a yawn. This bed is super comfy and I may need to strip the sheet enough the figure out what kind of mattress we’re using. I crack an eye as I hear Kris groan. I roll toward him.

“Are you still feeling bad, Pan?” I’m quiet but I know he can hear me.

Another low groan. “Do they make ice packs for anal fissures? Because I feel like I might need one.” A short laugh escapes him followed by another groan. “I can’t believe I ate that thing.”

I can’t hold my smile. “You absolutely deserved that and you know it. You told me I was going to be on all fours. You we’re so full of yourself last night. Apparently you got a little too cocky.” I lean over and kiss the top of his head. I heard the noises he was making all night.

“I was full of something all right. I put in a doordash for some pepto, it should be here in a few minutes. I set it last night.” He rolls over so he can look at me. “You know Markka is probably the one making all that racket downstairs. If one of us doesn’t appear soon, he’s going to wander up here.” He reaches out his fingers tracing across my bare breasts. “A bra may be in order. No telling how many assistants he has with him.”

“Why do I need a bra if he has assistants? He’s going to make me change six thousand times. Honestly I planned on throwing on one of your button downs with a pair of panties.”

“Because not all of his assistants are female, or gay. I just thought you might want a little barrier between your bits and them. I don’t rightly care, you’re sexy as hell, and I like it when you show it, because I’m the only one getting to physically enjoy you.”

“They all work for you, correct?” He just kind of nods at me. “Then they are not going to fuck with me. Cause messing with me, means a pissed off you. Besides if they are looking it’s the best thing they’ve ever seen.”

He grabs me pulling me across the bed and into his arms. “You aren’t wrong.”

“I love you, but you smell. You need a shower.” I smile. “You know I feel like we passed the honeymoon stage and went straight into married for fifty years.”

“Not true. I made sure all the farts were above the covers instead of making you withstand the dutchoven.”

“Thank God for that. I need to get downstairs. I’ll have Blue bring you the Pepto when it gets here.”

“M’kay.” He kisses my cheeks like a Frenchman then lets me go. “Yeah you may wanna go, or else I could fumigate the entire room with you in it.”

“Make sure you open the windows and if you happen to not make it to the bathroom order supplies to clean it up.”

After ordering at least two of everything on the breakfast menu from Bosscat Breakfast. I make it down to Markka and it’s a dizzying array of clothes, racks and almost as many shoes as I actually own.

The girls are already in the racks, and the guys look like they need more coffee.

“Oh sweetie there you are!” Markka chirps, apparently he is a morning person. Joy. “I thought you two were just going to sleep the day away!”

It’s only eight o’clock.

“If you’d have listened to him all night you would have been trying to sleep in as well. Breakfast is on the way and I’m assuming someone made coffee?”

“Coffee? Oh honey we brought a full service!” He snaps his fingers a few times and out of nowhere comes some guy with a cart with coffee pots, an espresso machine and a damn mini fridge! “Would you like almond milk? Whole milk? Soy? Or maybe a nice tea or a protien shake? Claude does it all.” He sides his mouth with his hand as he wraps an arm around me. “And honey he’s a tiger in the sack too.”

I smile at his brand of crazy. “Well, I usually do something immunity boosting.”

I’m pulled behind a curtain. “Here put this on.” Markka shoves a pair of jeans and bustie at me. “Claude? Imnuno-smoothie-STAT.”

I hesitate and the man literally just grabs my teeshirt and pulls it off me! “Hey!” I try to argue and he laughs.

“Sweetie you should be used to this with that Juicy tour and all.” Twist turn and he’s zipping the thing up, but it stops at my mid-center. He tsks, stands back, “I swear have it all-” His head cocks. “Claude? Add Ginger and Tumeric!” He looks back at me. “Gonna have to go up a size and install absorbent pads are we?” He sticks his thumb in his mouth with a wink.

I bite my lip rolling my eyes. “I’m sure I have no idea what you’re talking about. As for being used to this. Starling didn’t make me change much. It was mostly dancing far too much.”

“Mmhmm.” He says like he knows a secret, then quietly hums as he’s adjusting my clothes. Is that Hush Little Baby?

“Get out of here.” I can’t help but laugh when I finally hear Kris’ voice join the fray. Of course that helps when the bell rings for food.

“Fine, I’m going, there’s a slew of outfits, I need to pick the montage music anyway.” Markka skips away like Jan Brady as he sing-songs. “Kris-to-pher?”
