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This belly is causing me all kinds of issues. Honestly I never expected to be pregnant still. However I am. It’s going to take some adjusting, that's for sure. Even with the stress around this stupid belly, I’m starving but I don’t want to eat. Kris comes into the closet as I’m throwing on one of his shirts.

“Do you know what the issue is with all this?” I ask him.

He doesn’t speak, but I hear him sigh. I’m fidgeting when he wraps his arms around my middle making me freeze as his hands graze the belly again. That’s twice since he’s seen it that he’s touched it. “Because now it’s real.” He whispers gently.

“No, all these years with my scar, I’ve never had body issues. I swell out like an elephant and I get body issues.”

“You are not swelling like an elephant, Tink.” He pauses, turning me back to face him, holding my arms out so that his tee shirt lifts and this damn belly falls out. “Your dad had it right, you are beyond gorgeous, and this little belly is good. It’s normal, with all the things we have to worry about, normal is a great sign. Don’t you agree?”

“I wasn’t expecting it and you’re right. It makes everything so much more real. Like we actually have to start getting stuff for him and getting our home ready for a child. We’re going to be on tour with me pregnant. We haven’t even had time to figure out doctors. There are so many things we need to do but haven’t even started yet.”

Kris gets a half cocked grin on his face. “Tink, stop-you don’t have to worry about those things. I’ve talked to your doctors. I’ve got appointments set up for when we get to California. I promise you as long as I am sober, I’ve always got a plan.” He wraps his arms around me. “As for baby shopping and being on tour, if a pop princess can do it then there’s no reason we can’t. If it gets to be too much then we can come home but I need you to be honest with me right now. We made these decisions before we knew you were pregnant, so if you want to postpone, I support you one hundred percent. Just tell me what you want to do.”

“I think we’re going to need a bigger trailer.”

Kris laughs before kissing me. “Whatever you need, Tink.”

After Kris got me calmed down, Lathan brought us food while Markka had me trying on some different things. So many items were added to totes because I can’t wear them.

At this moment we’re filming the me alone version of the bonfire and sitting on hay bales. I’m supposed to be talking with the girls when my eyes meet Kris’ through the crowd. Everyone has red solo cups, and I’m pretty sure some of them are actually spiked with more than beer at this point.

We’re almost to the part where I’m supposed to meet Kris for the first time in the video story. I’m supposed to walk away from the group of girls to refill my cup at the keg, because yes that’s what we had to have for this. Even if I’m not actually filling my cup, I really hope we don’t catch shit, especially when the daylight shots show this growing boy inside me.

The bonfire is controlled, it’s propane so it doesn’t have the smell I love. That’s probably why I’m having a hard time, but Kris on direction makes his way over to me.

Flashing that hundred kilowatt smile he bumps me, and the drink goes all over me, just as scripted, but ofcourse it’s the third take, so I’ve had to be dried off twice already. It just wasn’t natural enough for the jackass director. But this time Kris hits the marks.

“This is kinda horrible.” He says out of the side of his mouth as he puts his jacket over my shoulders, and we turn form the camera. This is the part where we walk off together. “We should make a break straight back to the house.” He takes my hand, it’s not scripted, but fuck it, feels better, seeing as I’m soaked in Bud Lite.

“If this take wasn’t good enough for him, I’m going to put a foot up his ass. I’m hungry and I need to take my meds which are at the house.”

“Tink.” Kris scolds, turning me he shakes his head, but them like a good little actor draws me into him. The bump hits him first. He smiles and I know he wants to touch it, but is holding back. Instead he kisses me, my arms go around his neck instinctively and he picks me up. It’s not in the script, but again it feels fucking good.

“Y’all were rushing me. It’s not like I expected to still be out here.” I bury my head in his neck as his hands get a better hold of my ass making me hook my legs over his hips. Well hello Mister Cock. “Pan.” I moan his name.

His head turns and he hollers. “That’s a wrap. I got a fairy that needs milk and honey, and a rooster that needs feeding too.”

A few laughs echo toward us, as Kris just turns toward the house, and walks away.

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