Page 127 of Judgment

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His eyes are sharp as he watches me, lips pressed into a scowl that deepens with every second that passes.

I stay perfectly still, refusing to react to anything he does since it’s clearly starting to get to him.

He wants me to cry. Maybe beg.

Or maybe Frederick just wants my fear.

He’s not getting any of it.

I might not know exactly how to get out of this situation, but I don’t have to. All I have to do is hold my own while I ride out the clock. Andre is looking for me now, I know he is. I just have to keep it together until he finds me.

Frederick snarls as he lunges to grab at the skirt of my dress, yanking it up before shoving one hand into my panties and digging his fingers into my pussy.

“Too bad you’re dry as a goddamned desert.” He pulls his hand free with a disappointed frown, like he’s surprised I’m not wet. He immediately stuffs the same fingers into my mouth, his lips lifting in a smirk that turns my stomach. “Your mouth is plenty wet, though.”

I don’t like where this is going.

“Is that what Andre does?” His hand slides from my mouth and goes to his pants. “Fucks your mouth instead of your cunt?” His movements are jerky as he fights open his belt. “I bet that’s it. He just sticks his cock down your throat, doesn’t he?”

I’m starting to think maybe Frederick’s obsession isn’t with me at all.

It might actually be with Andre.

He shoves his slacks out of the way and pulls out a dick that makes it clear where most of his issues stem from.

I know what’s coming next and I also know there’s no way to avoid it.

But the men who touched my mother’s body over the years didn’t affect her value, and Frederick certainly won’t affect mine.

He grabs the back of my head, fisting his hand in my hair so tight I feel a few strands pop free from my scalp as he yanks my face toward his stub of a dick, poking at my sealed lips with the tip of it. I manage to resist for a second but he hooks one finger in my mouth, yanking it open and holding it wide as he shoves his cock between my lips.

His grip on my hair tightens as he thrusts against me, grinding in between my teeth as he continues to hold my mouth open so far it aches.

I want nothing more than to bite down, which he probably saw coming, because between his grip at the back of my head and the finger keeping my jaw open, I can’t do much more than breathe through my nose as he stabs his body into mine.

He grunts louder with each shove of his hips, completely caught up in the act of taking something I would never willingly give him.

Caught up enough that he doesn’t seem to notice the sounds coming from the other side of the door.

Suddenly he yanks my head toward him, pulling my face against his body as he comes, the salty slime of his release filling my mouth as something heavy hits the door, knocking it off its hinges.

Frederick doesn’t let me go so I don’t see the shots coming. Can’t brace for the splatter of blood that hits my face as each bullet hits its target.

His hand is still in my hair when his body drops back, falling away from me, taking a healthy chunk of it with him.

But I don’t care.

I can grow more hair.

Andre holsters his gun as he rushes to cut the ties binding my arms in place. As soon as they’re free he tries to pull me close, but I’m not finished with Frederick.

I have something that belongs to him.

I step toward him, anchoring one of my heels right against his cock and balls as I lean over his dead body to grab his chin and yank it down, opening his mouth the way he opened mine.

Then I spit a mouthful of cum into his throat before wiping my lips, leaving a streak of red lipstick across the back of my hand.

I straighten, chin up, spine straight as I turn to Andre. “I need to get back to the hospital.”
