Page 136 of Judgment

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I CROUCH DOWN next to Barney’s current temporary home, surveying the stash of items I just delivered. “Are you sure that’s enough water?”

The weather is getting hotter each day and I don’t want him dehydrated and baking in the sun.

My old friend gives me a warm smile that makes me wish I could convince him to live somewhere besides the streets. “It’s plenty.”

Andre rests one hand on my shoulder, reminding me that the longer we stand here, the more likely it is that someone will notice Barney is now in possession of items that are in high demand. “We need to keep moving, dusha moya.”

It’s hard not to linger a little longer.

I don’t like not being able to check on Barney every day. I was much more comfortable with his chosen life when I saw his smiling face every morning and night.

I keep my feet planted and my eyes on Barney’s. “You’ll call me if you need anything?” The cheap cell phone Andre supplied him with is the only thing that offers me any peace of mind.

That and the fact that most of the people who might try to bother Barney know of his connection to me, which means they realize what would happen to them if they hurt him.

Andre would kill them.

And I would let him.

“I’ll be just fine.” Barney’s creased eyes lift to where Andre stands just behind me. He holds his gaze for a second before looking over his shoulder, down the narrow alley a few blocks from Andre’s penthouse, toward another make-shift shelter.

Andre’s black eyes narrow on the spot as he shifts away from me.

I give Barney another smile and a little wave before following behind Andre as he moves deeper between the buildings, completely focused on the tarp-draped structure.

Andre doesn’t stop, even as the soft sound of a wind chime steals my attention, making me pause as I search for the source of the gentle twinkling carrying on the warm summer breeze. The brick buildings tower over me, providing the shade and shelter Barney and the people who live like he does seek out, but the windowless walls aren’t the kind of place someone would hang a chime, much less a spot where they would stay to enjoy it.

I give up my search and go back to following Andre, but with each step the source of the chime becomes more apparent.

Andre crouches down in front of the little camp and runs one finger over the delicate metal tubes dangling from the handle of a shopping cart. He smiles at whoever’s inside and the warmth on his face makes my belly flip a little.

He’s spent so long trying to convince everyone that bit of him doesn’t exist, and I can’t help but be proud of him each time a glimpse of it sneaks free.

I reach his side and match his stance, dropping down as he speaks to the occupant, his deep voice low and surprisingly soft.

Much softer than the one speaking back.

“Quit being all dramatic.” The older woman inside the shadowy confines of her home rolls her hooded eyes at him. “I’m fine.”

“I haven’t seen you in months.” Andre chides her. “I thought something happened to you.”

“Something did happen to me.” Her tone is snarky and sharp. “I got myself into trouble talking to you and had to get the hell out of here so I didn’t end up dead.”

Andre’s jaw tightens the tiniest bit. “No one will touch you, Ruby. They know what will happen to them if they do.” The certainty in his words moves me closer to his side.

Because I’m the reason everyone in New York knows what Andre is capable of. The lengths he will go to if someone he cares about is threatened.

It was a long time before I found out exactly what he did to get to me that day. The lengths he and his men went to.

He didn’t want to tell me. Was worried I might not look at him the same once I discovered the ruin left in his wake.

But honestly, I’d do the same to get to him.

Ruby snorts out a sound that might be a laugh, or might be a cough. “Heard about it.” Her clouded eyes come my way, looking me over. “Heard you held your own too.”

“I tried.” I still wake up at night when Frederick’s face haunts my dreams, and I’m not sure that will ever stop.
