Page 66 of Fall Back Into Love

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“Look, I know the guy’s been after you for a long time now and it all just reminds me a little too much of your dad – and how long he was in love with my sister,” her uncle began quietly. “They are good, decent guys, but I never understood how if you loved someone? You could sit back and watch them live their lives without you in it.”

Her uncle patted her hand.

“I guess a part of me is, and was, still a little taken aback that my own twin sister kept it all hidden for so long until they were already in love… and what I feel for your Aunt Glory was like being hit over the head with an incredible brick. It came out of nowhere, blindsided me, and I can’t live my life without her now.”

He looked at her and smiled wryly.

“Just want the same for you, kiddo… and your cousins. I would tell my own two goobers the exact same thing, except they are ‘hiking and off-grid’ and simply frustrating sometimes. My own children are so quiet and secretive, reminding me of when Harley and I were kids. There’s a bond there that no one understands but another twin. I guess I always expected falling in love to be the same – and it’s obviously not.”

Samantha smiled and nodded.

“Toby and I have a long way to go before it’s love,” she said evasively and looked away, feeling self-conscious now. “And you never know? It might be nothing more than a deep friendship.”

The silence was telling… and she looked back at her uncle, who was smirking ruefully at her.

“You can keep telling yourself that – and your dad that – but make no mistake, little Faline… that flyboy is in love with you and has been for a long time.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Why do you think your dad is so riled up about Toby Saxon?” her uncle countered quickly, smirking.

“I guess because they are alike? Or he irritates the fire out of him?”

Her uncle leaned forward, grinning strangely because of his half-numb mouth, and looked her dead in the eyes, his nose inches from hers with this gloating look.

“If you don’t already know it, then I’m shocked everyone kept it a secret after all these years…” he uttered, his voice trembling with delight like he was about to reveal some juicy sordid details.

“Your new boyfriend, who’s been after you since he was a youngling, cannot see anyone else out there because he’s just like his darn father. Those big, grumpy Saxon dorks lock on to one person – and that’s their person. Valkyrie was just like that with Marisol. One look… and boom!”

“Okaaaay… I’ve heard all that before.”

“When Toby soloed for the first time, is when the poop hit the fan for your daddy – and why your father threatened the kid within an inch of his life. Your dad doesn’t pick on anyone else, except Toby.” Hunter chuckled. “Your boyfriend’s call sign he chose was because of you – and your father knew it.”

“What? He soloed at fifteen… didn’t he?”

Hunter nodded.

“Toby Saxon’s official designation in the Air Force is Lieutenant Tobias ‘Bambi’ Saxon. Bambi?! His stupid call sign, a marker of achievement, that is supposed to drive fear into the enemy’s hearts… is Bambi. He chose it when he first soloed… and kept it. He’s even got it tattooed on his upper arm, according to his parents. Now, you tell me that boy isn’t head-over-heels in love with his little Faline…”

Samantha blinked owlishly at the information and shook her head in stunned disbelief. Faline was her call sign… and Toby picked the love interest in the same Disney movie - because of her?

That was crazy – wasn’t it?

“Now, don’t you have dinner plans tonight, kiddo?” he said knowingly, his voice quiet.

“We all just want you happy – and if Toby makes you feel alive, complete, and you can’t imagine a day without him? Then speaking for us both, your aunt and I are going to be thrilled for you, Samantha – but if that feeling’s not there? Well, I don’t envy either of you, because it will destroy that kid… and that is why no one ever told you before.”


Samantha walked into her parents’ house late, and it was as silent as a tomb. Her mother was sitting at one end of the table, her hands folded together and staring pointedly at her father… who was sitting back in his chair, looking confused and alarmed – and then there was Toby.

He was sitting between the two, looking like nothing was wrong, and smiled at her the moment he walked in, shooting to his feet from a lot of training in the Air Force.

“Hey, you’re here…” he began. “How was your day?”

Samantha hesitated, realizing just how wonderful it was to have someone asking her how she was doing. He was treating her like it mattered – and she was soaking it up like a thirsty houseplant getting water for the first time in ages.

“It was… good,” she smiled nervously. “I appreciate you asking.”

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