Page 78 of Breathing Her Fire

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Tonight, consequences will finally be learned, my plans for revenge set in motion. I’ve waited most of my life for this moment, and nothing is going to stand in my way.

I watch him stumble from the sidewalk and to the door of the trash heap he calls a home. He’s punished himself over the years, allowing me enough time to put my plan into place, but now the moment is here. The thrill of revenge is buzzing through me. Excitement mixed with a dark energy that’s always been present. The only companion I could count on my entire life.

Keeping to the shadows, I make my way toward the trailer, my gut burning with righteous anger. The door is unlocked, and I quietly slip inside. He’s sitting in a chair, a cigarette dangling from his mouth as he sleeps.

Memories of my past flash in my mind, hatred for this man burning bright and hot. I light the match in my hand, and just as before, I gently set it to the disgusting carpet lining the floor. There’s an inherent beauty of the past coming full circle. Having a hand in the suffering they both deserve fills me with a happiness I’ve never known.

I watch the flame catch on the curtains, growing wild and untamed. I look back at the man and see his eyes are on me. A flicker of recognition flashes, but as he tries to get out of the chair, I ensure he stays down.

I would’ve preferred the fire take him, but the hole in his chest will ensure he’s purified by the flames.

I walk out of the house and watch as the flames rise higher and higher.

Consequences were learned today, but there are still more to come.
