Page 70 of Jasmine

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“What happened?” I look around in a panic and notice someone missing. “Where’s Oakley?”

“Shh, it’s okay. We’re all fine. You blacked out,” Rowan soothes me.

“I had a vision.”

“Oh, really? Of what?”

“What happened?” I groan. If I was standing, I would stamp my foot. Visions can wait, this cannot.

“Sorry. We couldn’t get past that guy’s magic. Who was he?”

“Jude, my ex. And, apparently, my stalker.”

“I thought he was human!” Linden frowns.

“So did I. Apparently he’s half dragon shifter and half...warlock? Or something? His magic was unlike anything I’ve ever come across before. I was powerless against him.”

“All the freaky shit was down to him?” Ash asks.

“Yeah,” I nod.


“Why is that good?” What a strange thing to say. I frown.

“Because he’s gone and he won’t ever be coming back. So I’m glad there’s not another asshole out there that we have to hunt down.”

“Oh. What do you mean he’s not coming back? WHAT HAPPENED?” I’m yelling now, my patience well and truly gone. I begin to draw on my magic to send out a little hex or two, but nothing happens. I sag back into Linden’s arms and he scoops me up off the floor.

“Let’s get to the car, get you warmed up, and then we can explain everything.”

Actually, that sounds good. I’m too cold and drained to protest. Linden keeps me in his arms and flies us to his car which is parked near mine.

No-one complains when he puts me in the front, blasting on the heating and turning on the heated seats. It takes a minute to kick in, but when it does and my teeth stop chattering, I groan in bliss.

“Ok, darlin’, what the hell happened?”

I take a deep breath and answer Linden’s question, explaining what happened up to the point my vision hit.

“What was that shadowy thing he was talking to, and where is he?”

“Okay, so you know you said you had no magic against him?” Rowan prompts. I nod. “Neither did we.”

“When we realized we couldn’t get to you or penetrate the flames,” Linden takes over explaining. “Ash shifted and was able to get Jasper to move him to safety. But he couldn’t get the chains off your leg.”

I look down at my leg wondering how I managed to get free.

“We didn’t know what to do, so Oakley did the only thing he could think of: he called in a favor.” Ash’s words send dread coursing through me.

“From who?” I whisper.

“I’m not exactly sure, he didn’t hang around long enough for us to catch his name. But a...contract was made and Oakley had to go...home to finalize the details.”

“Home? Contract? In exchange for what?”

“He’ll be here any minute and he can explain—”

“Ah, here he is!”
