Page 81 of Queen of Hell

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We move towards each other at the same time. I manage to dodge his fist, bringing my knife up to slice across his arm, but I’m not fast enough to evade the other fist as it lands on the side of my head, blackness surrounding the edge of my vision at the impact as I land on the floor in a heap.

I scramble to get up, lunging at him and snarling as I swing my blade again, slicing across his stomach before leaping out of the way. He spins, swinging his fist as I get to my feet and I’m too slow to avoid it.

His punch lands on my jaw, and I drop to the floor as blood fills my mouth. I scramble to get up but he is on me before I can get to my feet, pushing me back to the floor and straddling my back.

“What was it you were hoping to achieve tonight,hmm? Did you seriously think you could beat me?” He asks as he pulls my head back. “I wonder what would have happened if you had managed to stick me with this thing,” he says, bringing his other hand in front of my face, holding the needle.

There’s no way I can let him jab me with that thing. I struggle underneath him, snarling as I try to get free, but it doesn’t do any good. He’s too heavy and easily manages to hold me down, chuckling darkly.

“Let’s see what this would have done to me shall we?” He says as he jabs the needle in my neck. “If you die? Well, you die. But if youdon’t?” He brings his down head close to mine, chuckling next to my ear as darkness starts to take over my vision. “By the time I’m done with you, you’ll be begging me to end you.”

The last thing I hear is Damian Monroe’s evil laughter before the darkness finally takes me under.
