Page 28 of Random Encounter

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“Sounds hard.” She paused, then shook her head with a laughing-sigh. “You know what I mean.”

I very distinctly knew what she meant. “Next up…” I glided a hand down her stomach, over her jeans, to cover her crotch. Her hips bucked toward my touch, and it took all of my restraint to keep from responding. “Visually there’s not much to that one, but it’s a favorite of mine.”

“Same. We have so much in common.”

I smiled and spun her to face me, turning us both at the same time so our sides were to the camera. I ran a hand along her ass, down the back of her leg, and hooked her knee to pull it up to my hip. “You see a lot of this in porn.” My hips itched to press closer. “And this is the kind of thing we’re avoiding in game.”

Her giggle was breathy and pink flushed her face and neck. “If that’s the case, why show me?”

“So you can see how completely impractical it is in real life. Can you imagine trying to fuck like this?”

“Believe me, I’m trying.”

Me too. “But no?”

She shook her head. “Maybe… No. Not even if I were fifteen years younger.”

“This, on the other hand.” I let go of her leg to draw a light touch along her jaw and over her neck, before knotting my fingers in her hair with a soft yank.

She whimpered, and I instinctively tightened my grip. I tugged harder, coaxing her to her knees. The way she looked up at me, eyes wide and hungry, was a mirror to my soul.

Her smirk came out of nowhere. “Big surprise. I’m familiar with blow jobs.”

Of course she was. Selfish, inconsiderate ex. "How about this then?” I helped her to her feet, and pressed my body to hers as I angled her toward the bed. “Lie on your back.”

She did.

I didn’t give Adrienne time to consider if this was awkward, as I moved in to prop one of her legs up. I knelt between her thighs. Despite this all being a mime act, I couldn’t help but apply enough pressure to make sure she felt it, as I ran my fingertips up the inside of her thighs, and pressed higher, in every spot I wanted my mouth to be. My head followed the path, diving between her legs.

Having my face this close to her pussy and not being able to take a taste was cruel and unusual punishment, I was pretty sure. Especially when her heavy breathing mingled with the hammering of my pulse in my ears.

“What else?” I asked as I pulled away and tugged her into a sitting position. We hadn’t covered much, but realistically, the average person only screwed in so many positions. As I adjusted myself, both my seat and my dick, I caught a glimpse of Dustin, who watched us, not the camera, with open lust and desire.

“How does it work with more than two people? Actually work?” Adrienne’s question drew my attention again. Her lips were bright, despite her lipstick having faded hours ago, and she alternated between biting and licking the bottom one.

I wanted to lean in and do that for her. “Dustin, leave the camera running, and join us.” I lay down next to Adrienne, and patted my legs. “Straddle me.”

She did, resting her ass a few inches above my knees.

“No one’s dick is that long,” I teased. “In real life or in game. Scoot up.”

Adrienne ducked her head, and didn’t budge.

I rested my hands on her knees, teasing my thumbs along the inside of her legs, and urged her closer. Her weight and heat pressed through two layers of denim to tease my cock.

“Like this?” Her question was breathless.

“Perfect.” More of a growl slid into my reply than I intended. I swallowed hard and summoned the last threads of my composure, to sound normal. “The trick is making room for multiple bodies, in a way that at least tries to prevent leg cramps.”

Dustin knelt behind Adrienne.

I trailed my hands up her ass and over her back, pulling her chest to mine, and Dustin moved to press in behind her.

“And sex is possible like this?” Each breath Adrienne took shuddered through me.

“Possible. Fun. It just takes a little coordination and timing.” I returned my hands to her hips to grip tight, and rocked her in short strokes, while I thrust with my hips. Strictly to prove my point.

Then Adrienne was grinding against me on her own. Her eyelids fluttered while she licked her lips and dry humped me.
