Page 30 of Random Encounter

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What just happened to me?

I knew. The images were vivid in my mind as I drove home. The sensations of Phillip touching everywhere. Of Dustin pressing into my back.

I’d never been so turned on. I desperately wanted more, but at the same time, what little we did almost made me explode. When Phillip pushed me to my knees, I wanted to drag his zipper down with my teeth and taste him. Did people really do that? I couldn’t stop thinking about him between my legs, his tongue gliding up my slit while Dustin watched. While some anonymous person on the other side of the camera watched, and Dustin joined us.

My hand drifted between my legs again, toward the throb that wouldn’t stop. I so badly wanted relief.

As I navigated on mostly auto-pilot, I turned the corner near a small park. It was barely a single playground, and the lights in the back corner of the parking lot were out.

Need and inspiration overrode anything else, and I parked my car in the darkness. It was almost two in the morning, and there was no one around.

Would I care if there was?

I shut off the car. The sudden still drove home how empty but open this space was. Anybody could walk by.

I pushed my jeans and panties down to the crease where my legs met my hips, and glided my fingers between my thighs. I was so wet. Every moment from Dustin’s room played out in my head, but more vividly. Our clothes came off.

What if one of them caught me now, fingering myself in a parking lot? They’d better offer to help.

I didn’t need any teasing or build-up. I stroked my swollen clit hard to the wash of memories and fantasy. Orgasm sped up hard and fast, washing over me, but I didn’t want to stop. I still needed more.

I rubbed until my hand and core ached, before I finally pulled away. I sucked my fingers clean, one at a time. That was new for me, but right now the taste was as much a turn on as everything else.

It took me a while to catch my breath and regain my senses. When I did, I cleaned myself up with napkins from the glove compartment, and finished my drive home.

The memory of tonight was going in the use over and over bin for sure.

I wokeup to streams of mid-morning sunlight warming my face, through blinds I’d forgotten to close last night.

Last night. The memories and heat flooded back on a fluffy cloud of lust. Did I really do that in the park? Did we really all do that before?

If I hadn’t bolted, would Phillip have kissed me? Would we have moved past the clothes on stage? Would I have been able to look them in the eye on Monday morning? It really felt like the two of them had experience with the no emotional attachment part of a relationship. Could I ever do something like that?

The question bounced in my head while I stripped out of the rest of my clothes and climbed into the shower.

I hadn’t been able to draw that line with Sean, but I’d learned so much since then. About people. About myself. I certainly didn’t trust myself in a relationship. Not now. Maybe not ever again.

Okay, so that was a bit melodramatic, but it would be a while. I still had so much to learn about me. Moments like last night seemed like one of those things I wanted to add to that who am I list. How did someone even go about finding casual hookups?

Probably not by asking the guys I worked with. Though, the desire to be with them again, but more intimately was intense, and the desire to hook up with anyone long term was non-existent.

I finished my shower, toweled off, and ran a comb through my hair, leaving it in loose, damp strands around my shoulders. I wasn’t seeing anyone today, so I might as well be comfortable in my favorite faded shorts, and oversized T-shirt.

Did Dustin send me that footage yet? I scrolled through my phone, to see if the email was there.

My doorbell rang. Must be a wrong house. Or missionaries. When I yanked the door open, and saw Sean on the other side, I cursed building management again for not putting peepholes in the doors.

“Adrienne. I’m glad I caught you.” His smile wasn’t warm or friendly, and he stepped into my apartment without waiting for permission.

What was he doing here? He wasn’t supposed to have this address. A knot of fear formed in my gut, and I tried to reconcile it. Sean had never hurt me physically, but before a week ago, I also wouldn’t have guessed he was the guy who would track me down, again and again, to get my attention.

“Actually, I’m just about to head out. I’m waiting for a call now.” I held up my phone, and pressed the phone button and the first number on the recents list while I wiggled it. “Oh, there it is now.”

I put the device to my ear, not caring that it was still ringing. “Hey.” I hoped my greeting sounded normal. Could I fake a conversation with no one? Who had I called and what would they do if they picked up? “Yeah, I can go now.”
