Page 13 of Fighting For It

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Violet left fifteen minutes before Oz was supposed to show up. She gave me a hug and reminded me I was going to have an amazing night.

Fortunately, Oz was early, so I only had to panic with my own thoughts for about ten minutes.

On the drive there, I babbled. I didn’t even know what about, but he listened and responded, like always. I was almost calm when we arrived.

The auction was being held in an event hall at the local convention center. A few people milled outside the doors, but most were in the room itself, which was decorated with neon and steel and looked so cheesy ‘80’s. It was brilliant.

“Cole.” A woman called from behind us.

Oz wrapped an arm around my waist as we spun. The gesture felt possessive, and I liked it. Especially when he pointed us toward a gorgeous brunette. She was probably Oz’s age, and absolutely rocking a Wonder Woman costume. I’d never have the boobs and hips to pull off a look like that, but she owned it.

Her smile as we approached was warm, but something about it felt insincere. No. That wasn’t the right word, but there was something under her expression that I couldn’t pinpoint. “Didn’t know if you’d make it,” she said.

“Why would I miss an industry event, Judy?” Oz asked.

A scowl crossed her face but vanished in a blink. Was I projecting because someone pretty wanted my date’s attention?

“This is Luna.” Oz nodded, never letting go of me. “Next big name in gaming.”

Heat flooded my face.

“I don’t doubt it.” She extended her hand. “I’m Judith—not Judy—Senior VP of New Product Development at Rinslet, Inc. Pleasure to meet you.” Her handshake was firm.

“The pleasure is mine.” Whatever vibe I got earlier must have been a fluke, because she was nothing but sincerity now. I liked her, and with a title like that, she had to have knowledge. “I’d love to pick your brain someday.”

“Same.” Judith jerked a thumb at the two men standing nearby. “Brandon, my Director of Sound Engineering, and Dustin, one of my top artists.”

Brandon shook my hand then Oz’s. “I didn’t think the Wizard ever came out from behind his curtain.”

“I make exceptions under the right circumstances.” Oz’s voice was tight, even for him. Where did the shift in mood come from?

Dustin’s gaze was fixed on me. “You must be the right circumstances.” The way he studied me, it was like he was hoping to figure out what was inside. He grasped my fingers and kissed the tips.

How was I supposed to react to that?

Oz tightened his grip and pulled me closer, and I was grateful. He looked between the two men. “Rumor is you have your fingers in new things, Judy.”

Judith laughed lightly. “I do, but it’s not either of these two. Rather, they work for me, but there’s no fingering. How much have you heard?”

“No details, but if you’re involved, I know you always want the best talent.” Oz didn’t look fazed by the innuendo.

“It’s not that kind of opportunity,” Judith said. “If it were, I’d move Luna to the top of my list.”

Three more people joined us. The two men were dressed in sleeveless vests, similar to Brandon’s, and the woman was in a platinum blond wig, a crop-top, and low-rise jeans.

“No Doubt?” I asked.

The new woman grinned and elbowed the guy closest. “Told you someone would get it.” The four of them had matching spade tattoos, like an ace of spades, on their biceps. Pretty sure that wasn’t part of the outfits.

Before we could do another round of introductions, someone else pulled Oz away.

So many people wanted his time, and he introduced me to every one of them. The names blurred together in my mind, but nobody questioned when I wanted their pictures to go with their business cards. I hoped I’d be able to sort it all out later.

Everything up for auction was in acrylic cases around the room, with reserves listed, and QR codes to scan and place silent bids.

“If it’s not the wizard himself,” a man behind us said.
