Page 14 of Fighting For It

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I knew that voice. How? Oz and I turned, and I had to force my jaw to not drop open.

“Didn’t expect to see you here.” Scott McAllister was one of the two owners and founders of Rinslet, Inc, and an absolute personal hero. He was tall—then again, most people were to me—and built like a football player. His hair was graying around the temples, and he had that whole sexy silver fox vibe going on. “Who convinced you to step out from behind the curtain?”

Oz shook his hand. “Dorothy.”

“She’s good at that.” Scott nodded. I didn’t understand the reference. We hadn’t met a Dorothy tonight. He’d never mentioned one before. Who—

“This is Luna.” Oz pointed Scott toward me.

He turned a warm smile in my direction, and I barely had the brainpower to hold out my hand. If I were an anime character, my eyes would be huge right now, and I’d be swooning and thinking he’s so cool.

“Hi.” My voice squeaked out, and I hid a wince. “Nice to meet you.” Understatement of the freaking century. Chibi-me was dying of stardom overdose.

“I’ve heard a lot about you.” Scott’s grip was warm and firm when he shook my hand.

The whispers around us seemed to intensify. My imagination was really working overtime. Oz had talked about me? To Scott. Fucking. McAllister? Geez, it wasn’t about my crimes was it? This was where I should say all of it good, I hope, but my vocal cords had frozen.

My phone vibrated through my purse and against my hip. I ignored it. Violet knew where I was, and she’d wait.

“You’re really the mind behind building a patch for one of the worst pieces of malware ever.” Scott shook my hand a second time. “It’s a pleasure.”

If I died right now, on Oz’s arm, Scott shaking my hand, I’d be happy. Dark thought. But not really. I was such a freaking fangirl. I found my voice. “The pleasure is definitely mine.”

“Of course it is.” Scott grinned.


Did someone just whisper my name? More than once? Did endorphins cause hallucinations?

A woman a little older than me joined us, and Scott wrapped an arm around her waist. Her blond hair fell in soft curls around her face. She was the kind of elegant I’d never be, and she carried herself like she knew it.

Perfect complement to Scott.

“Cole. I heard you were here. Had to see it myself,” she said.

“Hey, Kenzie. It’s been too long.” Oz’s tone was more formal with her. Not in a bad way—more in a we’re not close kind of way.

Scott squeezed her hip. They were adorable together. “Kenz, this is Luna.”

“Oh.” Kenzie’s composure slipped, and my gut plummeted. “Lovely to meet you.” She was all smiles again.”

“What was with the slip?” Scott’s question mirrored the one in my thoughts.

“It really is lovely to meet you, I just surprised to hear your name.” Kenzie frowned as she looked at me. “I say this because you’re a friend of Cole’s”—

That sounded so not good.

—“I’m the queen of composure, and I don’t know if I could keep mine right now. All my respect,” Kenzie said.

“Wait. What?” Was I just insulted? The words weren’t delivered in a cruel way. Was she talking about the outfit? It was a mistake, wasn’t it?

Kenzie reached for her purse. “You don’t know. The anniversary article…”

My world was falling away, leaving me dangling in mid-air with no support. The whispers around us were louder than I’d realized. People were looking at us.

Kenzie handed me her phone. The headline on the screen said 10th Anniversary of the Hack that Brought the World to Its Knees. A photo of me, complete with my name, was front and center.

The room spun around me. Now that I was paying attention to the whispers, it was clear what they were about.

Is that really her?

Fucking idiot.

They let someone like her in the door?

“I need some air.” I broke away before I could hear anyone’s answer, and cut a straight line for the nearest door, walking as fast as possible without breaking into a run.
