Page 46 of Fighting For It

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Geez that was sexy. I was having flashbacks to that very first class I took from him, and why I’d been infatuated before we ever spoke one-on-one.

“Obviously, we need to use considerations and reason in each decision, but we need to provide the tools for others to do the same,” Graham said. “Will someone use that knowledge for things we don’t agree with? Always. That can’t be stopped. But the negative can be minimized if we’re guiding people rather than pointing them toward a shiny red button and telling them do not touch.”

Erol’s laugh was more like a barking pig. “Thank you for proving my point, Mr. Anderson. Give an otherwise intelligent man a bit of snatch and he’s willing to abandon all reason. Which brings me to my next point—the proliferation of pornography on the Internet.”

“That’s not a valid counter.” Graham’s voice carried, but Erol continued to talk over him.

“Now that’s a man who’s never had good sex,” a woman nearby said, just loudly enough for us and those around us to hear.

A few snickers rolled through the back of the hall.

I followed the comment to find Judith standing.

“You have something to add, young lady?” Erol was focused on us again, as Judith joined us.

“Ma’am, or Ms. Walsh will do fine, thank you.” Judith’s voice carried as well as either man’s, and her presence commanded attention.

Chibi Luna was back in my head, swooning. So scary. So amazing.

“I see, Miss Walsh. Enlighten us.” Erol sneered.

The corner of Judith’s mouth tugged up. “Ms. But I understand your reluctance to accept peers who don’t have a dick.”

Between Judith and Graham, they expanded on what Graham opened with, crafting a compelling statement about growing knowledge rather than limiting it, and how prohibition is never the answer, even in schooling.

A pair of men in security uniforms approached us. “You need to leave campus.” One reached for Judith.

She stepped away, eyebrows raised. “If I were to let you touch me, you wouldn’t know what to do with me.”

“We’re leaving. That was all we wanted in the first place.” I headed toward the door and prayed Graham would follow.

He fell into step behind me.

Judith joined us, on my other side. “Looks like we get an escort to the parking lot.” She jerked her head behind us.

A glance confirmed security was following us.

This wasn’t as humiliating as when I was arrested a few years ago, but it certainly summoned and attached itself to those memories. And once again Graham was involved, further sinking his reputation and career.

“You look good.” Judith’s compliment drew me back to the now. “Even in there, you looked good.”

I gave her a weak smile. “Thanks.”

“I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Graham Anderson.” He extended his hand.

“Pleasure to meet you.” She reached across me for the handshake. “Nice to see that like everything else he said in there, the parts about you were untrue.”

Graham tangled his fingers with mine. “You know that from three minutes of stilted debate?”

“It’s a lot more complicated than that, but that helps.” Judith looked past him, to me. “How are you holding up?”

“Aside from the not being able to find a job, and the fact that the world runs on money, I’m great.” I meant to say that bit in my head. Oopsie.

Her eyes grew wide. “You can’t… Absolutely ridiculous.”

“It’s okay.” I didn’t mean to dump on her. Not only a stranger but a boyfriend’s ex-wife—that wasn’t convoluted at all. “Graham and Cole are helping me rebuild my reputation. I’ll come out of things fine.” And I would.

“So this is your Lancelot. The knight who thinks he’s done you wrong and needs to make right for his queen.” Judith’s tone was one of respect. “I bet Cole loves you, Graham.” Her voice twisted a notch.

“I hear your sarcasm, and I assure you he does not,” Graham said.

“Regardless. Luna, give me your number. I see interesting opportunities all the time, and I’d be happy to drop your name.”

I smiled. “All right. Thank you.” The brief exchange made me feel a whole lot better.

As long as I could push aside the unpleasantness from the amphitheater, and the quiet whisper asking how much worse it would get before it got better.
