Page 47 of Fighting For It

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I spent the next three days in one podcast and interview after another. At least it felt like it.

Between Hunter and Oz, they’d gotten me onto seven different shows. Since most were pre-recorded, I spent at least two hours in each studio. Add the bus rides to that, and I barely had time to sleep, with no time to see Oz, Graham, or Violet. At least I got to text them, and I was the goofy dork who scrolled through those messages over and over when I needed a mood boost.

I understood that the interviews were fluff pieces, meant to show the fun side of me, but that also meant I was repeating a lot of the same, with no real substance. I crashed every night when I got home, and dragged myself out of bed to extra coffee every morning.

This would be worth it though. The payoff. The success. Getting a job.

Even though the thanks but no thanks letters were stacking up.

I was grateful for Sunday morning. I’d see Oz and Graham today. Sure, it was to do more work—compare notes, regroup, and change any plans that required it—but I was still seeing my guys.

My guys. The term rolled easily through my thoughts and warmed me from the inside out. I’d rather spend the day cuddling, but seeing them would help.

I grabbed a vibrant plum sundress from my closet, and tossed a light sweater with embroidered flowers over it. The colors were another accent to brighten my mood.

The instant I opened the door to Oz, he cupped my face between his palms and crushed his mouth to mine in a breath-stealing kiss that drew out my exhaustion and replaced it with comfort and adoration. He finally pulled away to press his lips to the top of my head.

“I missed you.” His words sank into my skull and my soul.

The world was instantly a better place. “Same.”

“Shall we?” He offered his elbow.

I grabbed my purse and laptop, locked the door, and hooked my hand around his arm.

When we reached the truck Graham was waiting on the passenger side, door open.

“Oh.” That made me smile even wider. “I thought you were meeting us up there. Not that I mind.”

He grasped my fingertips and kissed the back of my knuckles. “Change of plans. I wanted to see you now.”

“Yay.” I’d clap, except I didn’t want to let go of him. “Three way date.” I liked this Graham more than ever. Direct. Sweet. With me.

It was a snug fit with the three of us in the truck, but not uncomfortable. In fact, sandwiched between my guys was about the best thing ever.

My apartment was only a few minutes from the freeway, then Oz was taking us into the mountains, toward his place.

“Okay, so wait.” I put more pieces together about Graham being here. Was he becoming okay with this entire arrangement? “Does that mean we’re all friends now?”

“I’m hoping you and I are more than friends at this point,” Graham said.

“But yes,” Oz agreed.

The weight inside was lifting, leaving feathers and sunshine and joy behind.

The truck rattled and bounced with every bump, but Oz navigated the turns and inclines with practiced ease. “How do you feel about competition gaming?”

“I wouldn’t do it myself.” Random, weird question. I liked it. “It’s cool that it exists, and with the right players and game, it’s fun to watch.”

“Judith called me last night—”

“Do you talk to her a lot?” Graham cut him off.

Jealousy poked me, but it didn’t take much to shove it aside. Oz was here with me, not with her. Besides, I liked her, regardless of how brief our conversations had been, and I didn’t want a reason for that to change.

“I really don’t,” Oz said. “More in the last few weeks than in the last few months. But she mentioned meeting Graham, and said she had three media passes for a competition exhibition that’s coming up. Said we should all be there Thursday night.”
