Page 51 of Fighting For It

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“Be fair,” Graham said. “You don’t talk about most of the bits.”

“You worked on the original team. You get to look back and say I helped start that.” I loved modern tech, but there was a teensy bit of me that was eternally sad that I’d never have a haven to be part of something as groundbreaking as Cord and their original games.

“Oh yeah, that too,” Graham said.

I studied him, trying to puzzle out the words. “What bits were you talking about?”

Oz finished his can and crammed it into the small trash bag we had sitting next to us. “He meant the orgies.”

Graham shrugged. “I led a sheltered life. My parents gave me a video to watch about sex, rather than having the talk with me themselves, and it was pretty much limited to penis goes in vagina and babies happen.”

“But you’ve expanded your horizons since.” Did Oz sound... hopeful?

“I have. But when I was in my early twenties, a blow job was naughty. Group sex? That only happened in bad porn.”

“To be fair, most porn was bad when we were in our early twenties.”

At Oz’s statement, Graham chuckled. “True. But I don’t know if it’s better now, or just more prolific.”

This was better than Oz and Graham getting along. It was actually friendly.

“Three people aren’t quite a group,” Oz said, “but there are a lot fewer limbs to keep track of.”

Inspiration struck. “Let’s play a game.”

“All right,” Graham agreed easily.

“What are we playing?” Oz sounded more hesitant.

The kind of game that helped people open up, without feeling like twenty questions. “Firsts.”

“Which is...?” Oz better not be a hard sell.

Graham leaned in, an easy smile on his face. “It’s like Truth or Dare meets Never Have I Ever.”

“Sounds complicated.” Oz hadn’t said yes yet, but he also hadn’t said no. “And how do you know that?”

Probably the same way I did. “It was big on campus.”

“All right,” Oz’s sigh was exaggerated. “How do we play Firsts?”

In my head, chibi Luna clapped and squealed in delight... and a smidge of anticipation. This game frequently ended with kissing or making out. I could get that here regardless, but this way was a different kind of fun.

“We each take a turn picking first time you ever... events, based on our own ages. First person who did it gets to dare the last person or the person who’s never done it. For instance, first time I ever saw a movie in a theater, I was thirteen.”

“Okay, I think I get it.” Oz nodded. “My parents were huge sci-fi bugs, so the first time I ever saw a movie in theaters it was probably Return of the Jedi, and I was two. But the first time I remember, I was probably four or five.”

“If I didn’t know better, I’d say I was set up.” Graham’s grumble didn’t hold any weight. “That sheltered childhood I mentioned? To my parents, the kind of movies they have in theaters were anti-intellectual shit. So first time was in college. I was eighteen.”

“If it helps you feel any better, that’s why it was so long for me, too.” I’d snuck off to see something with my friends, when we were supposed to be back to school shopping at the mall.

“That means I win, right?” Oz looked smug. “What next?”

“Next you get to dare Graham,” I said.

Oz smirked. “I like this game.”
