Page 76 of Monsters' Touch

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Neither of us are prepared to rub elbows with the literal one percent.

Anyone can fake it well enough to fool upper middle or even the lower upper class.

But the people who live here, and presumably their guests, aren’t lower upper class. They are the upper echelon. They are the richest of the richest who’d been that way for generations.

A man in a tuxedo opens the car door for us and directs us inside. Michelle and I enter, arm in arm.

“Holy shit,” she breathes as we take in the enormous entrance with three-story-high ceilings and marble everywhere.

Can you believe this?I ask Rhygel.

Wealth of this kind is not impressive to me, Lily. Nor should it be to you.

Yeah, fair, but, I mean,lookat this place!

These people have enough funds in their offshore holdings to end poverty and hunger on your planet. Yet they do not. What about that is impressive to you?

Wow. Yeah, he had a point.

Another man in a tuxedo escorts us through the… manor? mansion? estate? to the rear beachfront area.

Scores of people in designer dresses and dinner jackets stand around delicately decorated tables talking, drinking, laughing.

I scan the area for anything that might cause the mass casualty event. But other than the bonfire a few hundred feet down the beach, there isn’t a single thing I could pick out as the culprit.

Does anything stand out to you?

Not yet, no.

“Ooh, hottie at six o’clock.” Michelle nudges me, and I casually glance over.

The man she’s set her sights on is tall and muscular, with nice wavy hair and a perfect smile. He’s quite good looking. Hot, even.

I smile to myself. Human hot can never compete with demon hot.



“Do you want me to be your wingman?”

“Nah, I got this one,” Michelle says and saunters off like she’s not in stilettos on the beach.

I head to the bar and grab a drink.

Water only, please,Rhygel whispers in my mind.

I’m edgy. I want a drink.

I don’t want any of your senses dulled.

Fine,I say, and project the image of that pouty cat gif.

Rhygel chuckles as I ask the bartender for water.

What is that?

