Page 77 of Monsters' Touch

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The image you sent me. How did you do that?

I dunno. I just thought about wanting you to see that picture really hard. Should I not be able to?

Who’s to say? We’re in uncharted territory. I’ve found no records of any such possession going the way yours has.


I nurse my water and try not to look too awkward standing alone at a party while keeping an eye on Michelle and her Richie.

“Hello, gorgeous, I haven’t seen you at one of these before. What’s your name?”

I turn to find another attractive-in-a-purely-human-way man. He smiles down at me, capped teeth square and bright in the afternoon sun. I give him an up and down and give him a fake name.

“Hi. I’m Eden and you haven’t seen me because this is my first one.”

He nods, leaning against the high-top table between us. “This is the best one. The end of the season is always a blast.”

“You didn’t tell me your name.”

“Oh, forgive me. I’m Dave Chesterton. My family is throwing this party.”

“Ah, of course.”

He leans in, making himself comfortable while also getting closer to me. “I can tell you’re not from around here.”


He nods and he focuses right on my tits. Real classy.

“And if you’re here to try to Emily Thorpe yourself some kind of scheme, I can tell you, it won’t work.”

“I don’t know what that means.”

It’s a reference to a canceled TV show calledRevenge. A woman uses that alias to infiltrate Hampton’s elite to enact her ultimate revenge on the family who killed her father.

I try my best to keep my face neutral.How the hell do you know that, Rhygel?

Before you were our host, we possessed a woman obsessed with old canceled network TV.

“But I can make sure no one catches on if you like.” Dave stares at my tits some more and I resist the urge to show him my demon face.

“I assure you, I’m not here to ‘Emily Thorpe’ anyone. I’m just here for the drinks and the bonfire.”

“Mmm, I’ll bet. Well, enjoy yourself then, Eden. And make sure you check out the jet ski launch down the beach.”

Dave wanders off to be a creep somewhere else, and I check in on Michelle once more. She’s laughing and touching Richie Rich’s arm.

The jet ski launch sounds like it has potential,Rhygel says.

I agree.But I don’t head toward it yet. There’s something weird about the guy Michelle is talking to. Something I didn’t notice before.

Do you see that?

See what? The male your friend is plying with compliments and her bosom?

Yes, doesn’t he look, I dunno, off?

He seems like an average human to me.
