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Chapter Five

Ascream rent the air. Stephen scramble to his feet, grabbing the oil lamp instantly. He had been sitting on the sofa, listening out for the rain that he wasn’t sure was falling anymore. Instead, there came a scream of a woman, he guessed.

It was that fact that had him heading for the door. If there was even the chance that a woman was out there, during a night when there was a storm brewing overhead, Stephen didn’t think he could sit back and let her fend for herself, especially when it sounded as if she was in danger. He peered outside, holding up the lantern to see.

A dark streak went by. Stephen held the lantern up higher, suddenly grateful that there wasn’t any rain yet. As he closed the distance, he heard a soft neigh and spotted a black horse trotting back and forth agitatedly.

“Steady there,” he said, reaching his hand out to the horse. It blew air out its nose, turning away from him, but Stephen wasn’t deterred. He’d heard a scream and if there was a distressed horse around, then there must be someone who had been riding it nearby.

Then he saw her, lying on the ground a short distance away. Stephen rushed forward, sinking to her side. “Miss, are you all right?” he asked. Her hair was covering her face, but he could tell that she was breathing.

She groaned. Her hand twitched, then she took a deep breath and reached it up to push her hair out of her face. Stephen stopped breathing.

She was utterly beautiful. Her long hair was a light brown under the glow of the oil lantern and she had the biggest, most captivating brown eyes he’d ever seen. She groaned again as she pulled herself up into a sitting position and nodded.

“I’m fine, thank you.”

“Are you sure? You have been thrown from your horse. You might have broken something. Would you like for me to check?”

Heavens, stop talking!

Her eyes went wide at that and Stephen suddenly wanted to hit himself. How could he not have realized the position she was in? A young girl all alone at night was not likely to trust him so easily. He was a stranger.

“I’m all right,” she said more forcefully. “You needn’t worry about me.”

“I cannot help but worry,” he said determinedly. “Perhaps if you were to prove to me that you are all right, I’d be able to rest easy.”

Her perfectly arched brows furrowed. Stephen couldn’t tell if it was in confusion or annoyance.

Perhaps a mixture of both?

“You want me to prove it to you?” she asked incredulously.

Heavens, even her voice was exquisite. She was dress in a bland-colored dress, quite like a maid, but the hint of steel in her voice made him think she was a lady who always got whatever she wanted.

“Yes, otherwise, I won’t be leaving this spot.” He tried to grin at her while she simply studied him, her eyes running over his face.

Finally, she sighed, glancing down at her feet. “I think I landed badly on my ankle.”

Without thinking, Stephen moved to touch it and she jerked away from him. “I’m sorry,” he said quickly. “I didn’t think—I didn’t…would you like some help getting up?”

Wonderful save, Stephen.

She studied him for a moment before she nodded silently. Stephen took her gently by her hand, eyes on her face to ensure he wasn’t overstepping his boundaries—and because he simply couldn’t help himself. She gripped his hand tightly and he got to his feet first before he helped her to hers. She tested her weight on her ankle and winced for a brief moment.

“Are you all right?” he asked again, reluctant to let go of her hand.

“I think I’ll be able to handle it,” she said. “Thank you.”

Stephen’s brows shot upwards at that. It was clear she was still in pain, though she was trying to hide it. He stepped away from her and she turned and slowly, gingerly, approached her horse. She put her hand on the horse’s neck. The horse had calmed down by now, and Stephen had the sneaking suspicion she was using the horse to take some of her weight off her ankle.

He decided not to say anything and simply watch her. He came a little closer, leaving the oil lantern on the ground. She was preparing to get onto the horse and Stephen was already expecting the worse.

Just as she was about to swing her leg over the horse’s back, the horse moved, and it put her off balance. Stephen jumped forward and caught her before she went crashing back to the ground.

Scooping the woman into his arms, he turned and went to pick up the lantern.

“What are you doing?” she gasped.
