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Chapter Ten

Leaving Hannah’s side was harder this time around because Stephen didn’t know when next he would be able to see her. After he said his goodbyes to Mr. Stanton and his wife, he set out determinedly to the farmer’s home he had visited to borrow the carriage, getting the horses while he did. Then, he made his way back to Dunleer Manor, knowing that his mother was no doubt waiting to scold him.

The trip took a few hours of his time and by the time he arrived at Dunleer Manor, the sun was beginning its descent. He took his time getting the horses back to the stables, trying to prevent the inevitable. Then, he made his way to his office and poured himself a glass of whiskey.

The Dowager Duchess burst into his office just when he was about to raise the glass to his lips. She stormed over to him, her skirts gathered into her hands, and her lips pulled tight. “Where have you been?” she hissed.

Stephen resisted the urge to sigh. He went over to his desk and sat, regarding his mother carefully. He knew her to be a terrifying lady when she was angry and though he knew he had nothing to be afraid of, having to deal with it was bothersome.

“Something happened,” he began to say, then backtracked. It would be best if he just kept things simple. “I got caught in the storm.”

“And the storm ended at daybreak. Why are you just getting here now?”

“I had something to tend to,” he said, hoping she would leave it at that.

“Stephen, I hope you aren’t lying to me. I hope you were truly stuck somewhere and not off gallivanting with some woman—”

“What if I was, Mother?” he asked her, raising his brows. He lifted his drink to his lips, hoping it help shield that warmth of his cheeks. She nearly hit the nail right on its head. “What would happen then? Would you let go of this insane idea that I need to go to London to find myself a partner?”

“You know that will never happen,” she said with a huff, crossing her arms. “You’ll be expected in London soon. so if you truly are having an affair with someone, end it.”

Stephen only responded with silence, taking another gulp of his drink. Now that Hannah was in London, he wasn’t so averse to attending this year’s Season. It would make seeing her much easier.

“As you wish, Mother,” he said finally, knowing she was waiting for a response. “But, no, I am not having an affair with anyone.”

“Good. Do not forget we will be leaving tomorrow.”

“How could I?” he drawled, and she narrowed his eyes at him.

“I think it would best for you to fix that attitude of yours soon, Stephen,” she said as she made her leave. “No lady likes a gentleman who speaks in such an abhorrent manner.”

Except maybe one. Although she is not a lady.

Again, he met her statement with silence, and she left the room in a huff. Stephen finished his drink and sighed, his mind drifting back to the woman he had left in London. It might be a few days until he saw her next and he was already tensing with anticipation. He’d have to make sure he kept this from the Dowager, because there was no telling what she might do or say to Hannah if she found out about her.

He pictured her face right before he’d left her room and even in his memory, her beauty struck him dumb. He touched his lips, feeling the ghost of her kiss and his blood began to boil with need. He’d wanted to mention the kiss, felt it would be odd to leave it unsaid between them, but he just couldn’t find a way to. And when he had finally mustered up the courage to, she’d claimed she was tired, and he had no choice but to leave.

Perhaps when next I see her, I’ll be able to tell her.

But what could he say? That he wanted her? That he was at odds with himself, not knowing how to feel about this intense attraction? That she was the most curious being he’d happened upon in a long time and he wanted to spend hours getting to know her?

She’d deem him mad. Hell, he thought he was mad. He’d been here before, having intense feelings for someone who had broken his heart in the end. Yet here he was, drawn to another woman in a way he couldn’t explain. It felt different, and too intense to ignore.

Stephen couldn’t deny the allure of saying all those things, even if it was the worst thing he could do right now. And the best thing for him to do was simply to wait.

* * *

Belle heard a knock from her door and roused from the sleepy state she had been falling victim to. Before she had the chance to answer, the door opened, and one head popped in. It was a girl who looked to be a few years younger than Belle herself.

“Oh!” the girl gasped. “She’s awake.”

The door swung open to reveal that it wasn’t only one girl, but two. The other, who swept into the room holding a wide tray laden with food, looked around Belle’s age. She ran her gaze down the length of Belle and then grimaced at the sight of her ankle. “Oh, that looks terribly painful.”

“It is,” Belle said with a nod. “Are you Mr. Stanton’s daughters?”

“My name’s Julia,” said the younger one, coming to sit on the bed by Belle’s side. Her hair was a mass of blond ringlets that framed her shoulders and her eyes were as bright a blue as her mother’s.

“And I’m Lily,” said the other, who sat in the only chair by Belle’s bedside. She rested the tray on Belle’s lap and tucked a blond lock behind her ear. Like her sister, she was the spitting image of Mrs. Stanton, but with brown eyes. “Mother said I should give you this.”
