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Chapter Eleven

Belle didn’t know when she fell asleep. After she finished her meal, she’d set it aside as best she could and had relaxed into the pillows. Before she knew it, she was opening her eyes to meet the next morning.

The pale golden sunlight filtered past the curtains hanging behind her, warming her bed. Belle struggled to sit up, gritting her teeth through the aches that stiffened her joints after sleeping in one position all night. She wasn’t used to not being able to toss and turn the way she wished. On a normal morning at Auldwood Manor, Belle often woke up with one hand brushing the floor and her legs thrown across the other side.

Now, she twisted her neck around, listening to it pop. Her stomach growled and she lifted her hand to her belly, looking around. There was no bell for her to ring, nothing for her to call on the others. As Belle, she would have had her lady’s maid ready to wait on her. As Hannah, she supposed things wouldn’t be as easy.

She was contemplating either calling out to someone or trying to get to her feet herself when there was a knock on the door.

“Come in,” she said eagerly.

The door creaked open and Mrs. Stanton looked inside. A warm smile spread across her face when she spotted Belle sitting up in bed. “I wasn’t sure if you’d be awake,” she said coming in. She had another tray of food in her hand. “I came to check on you a few times and you were sleeping so soundly that I half expected you to sleep through the entire morning.”

“Forgive me,” Belle said, flushing. “I didn’t notice how tired I was.”

Mrs. Stanton shook her head vehemently. “There’s nothing to be forgiven, Hannah. You had a long day yesterday. And you can sleep for as long as you like.” She chuckled, resting the tray on Belle’s lap. “We’re just a family that tends to rise early, but don’t let that disturb you.”’

“Is everyone already awake?” Belle said with wide eyes.

Mrs. Stanton nodded as she gently put a spoon in Belle’s hand and then began position the plates around on the tray. It was as if she was unused to having idle hands. “Yes, my husband has already gone out to do a few house calls and the girls are downstairs helping me with some needlework. We’re making you a blanket.”

“That’s…” Belle didn’t know what to say. She blinked at Mrs. Stanton, who finally settled down to simply watch her eat, beaming. “That’s awfully kind of you, Mrs. Stanton but you don’t—”

“Oh, we know we don’t have to. There are many things you don’thaveto do in this life. But we want to do it, so you needn’t worry about it. Besides, we’ve decided to make it a competition.”

Belle struggled to swallow past a mouthful of sweet porridge before saying, “A competition?”

“Yes,” Mrs. Stanton replied, looking quite please. “That’s enough details for now, though. Enjoy your breakfast, dear.”

“I haven’t thanked you. It’s delicious.”

“Oh.” Belle grew still when Mrs. Stanton reached forward and ran her hand down her hair. “You are so mannered. Your parents surely did raise you right. I only wish my own two daughters were the same way.”

“They were very kind when they spoke with me yesterday.”

“Yes, they are very kind and sweet. But they never stop to think before they say something, especially Julia.” Mrs. Stanton shook her head, but Belle wasn’t fooled by the words. She focused instead on the look of warmth in Mrs. Stanton’s eyes.

“Some find that endearing,” Belle countered playfully.

Mrs. Stanton’s eyes grew wide for a moment before she laughed loudly. “That’s one way to put it, yes. Heaven knows they’ve had no issue making friends.”

“I’m certain we will all get along.”

“As am I, dear. Now, eat up. I’ll keep you company while you do.”

“Are you sure they won’t surpass you in the competition if you do that?” Belle asked, her eyes twinkling with humor.

Mrs. Stanton chortled. “Those young ones don’t have the years of experience I do, but they can try. I’m sure giving them the extra time is the kind thing to do.”

Belle chuckled. She looked down at her bowl to see that she had already gone through all of the porridge and she still had enough appetite for the toast that came with it. She stirred the spoon idly, thinking of the day ahead of her.

There was no doubt that she would have to stay in bed for the rest of the day, and the days to come as well. The thought made her want to squirm, but she resisted the urge, grateful for the fact that she would at least have Mrs. Stanton and her family as company.

And Stephen, if he stops by.

The thought of his scruffy beard and those soft green eyes made her stomach coil with need. She tightened her grip on her spoon, hoping she wasn’t being too obvious to Mrs. Stanton when she said, “Will Stephen be coming by today?”

“Stephen?” Mrs. Stanton cocked her head to the side in thought, regarding Belle. Belle kept her eyes on her meal and focused on willing thee memory of their kiss away—to no avail. “I’m afraid not. He didn’t send any word that he would be but, who knows, perhaps he might show up for supper later this evening.”

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