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Chapter Fourteen

Belle woke during dawn the next day and she was actually grateful for the peace and quiet it afforded her. She didn’t bother to sit up, staring up into the ceiling instead as she thought about all the things that had happened the previous day.

It had been a long and eventful day, now that she thought about it, despite the fact that she had been left alone for a good portion of it. But when she recalled when Lily and Julia had come bearing gifts, and the lovely dinner she’d experienced with the entire family, she couldn’t help feel satisfied with herself.

Not to mention the visit from Stephen. It had instantly brightened her day. At first, she had been embarrassed when he walked in on her doing something so foolish, and it shocked her to see how at ease she became with his presence soon after. As if it didn’t matter if she fell flat on her face because he would be there to help her up and they could laugh about it later.

Is it because he’s the one who helped me when I needed it the most?

Remembering how he had stayed by her side as she battled with a terrible fever made her chest grow warm. Maybe that was why she was so drawn to him, why she felt so comfortable in his presence. Maybe it really didn’t have anything to do with how handsome he was.

But he was really handsome. Undeniably and unfairly so. Her chest clenched with the thought that she had no idea when next she would see him and she wished he was here now. Talking to her, holding her hand. Pulling her close to his chest as they laid in bed together.

Kissing me. Touching me. Making me feel things I’ve never felt before.

Slowly, Belle reached up and pressed her hands against her hot cheeks. Alone like this, she didn’t care to will the blush away. If anything, she was eager to give into the fantasy, not thinking about how that would affect what she said and did around him. She’d cross that bridge when she got to it.

She stayed there for a while, her mind consumed with all thoughts of Stephen Norton. She lost count of how many times she imagined him coming into the room to finish that kiss they’d nearly had yesterday before Lily finally came by. By that time, the sun had risen high in the sky.

“Are you still sleeping?” Lily asked as she peered over her.

Belle shook her head. She felt very close to Lily as well, but she didn’t find as odd. She could tell that Lily was a lot like her, and the fact that they were close in age made Belle instantly comfortable with her. She glanced at Lily’s curious face before she returned her eyes to the ceiling. “I’m simply thinking.”


Belle opened her mouth. Then closed it and shook her head again. She pulled herself upwards, resting her back on the wall behind her.

Lily had brought in her breakfast and was already settling it down on Belle’s lap. “Let me guess,” she said. “You were thinking about Mr. Norton.”

“I was not.” Belle kept her eyes on her food.

“You were,” Lily stated. “Which is completely fine. I was thinking about him myself, wondering if he would come by today.”

“He seemed like a busy man so I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t.”

“Do you know what he does?” Belle shook her head slowly and Lily released a loud breath. “That isn’t good. I was hoping to get some information out of you about him.”’

Belle nearly looked up at her in alarm. “Why would you need that?”

“Simple curiosity,” Lily said with a nonchalant shrug. “I’m sure you see it too. How different he seems from others. Almost…extraordinary.”

Her alarm quickly melted into humor as she laughed. “Extraordinary?”

“You know what I’m trying to say.” Belle was surprised to see the slightest hint of pink on Lily’s cheeks.

Who would have thought she would be so sensitive to teasing?

“He seems very different. But then, so do you.”’

“Me? I’m no different from you.”

“Again,” Lily said. “Extraordinary. It’s hard for me to explain.”

And Belle was glad Lily wasn’t able to put it in certain words. She’d thought her mannerisms weren't standing out much, but there was always a chance she was wrong. She also didn’t get the feeling that Lily thought she was lying, but Belle couldn’t be sure.

“Anyhow,” Lily went on. “Would you like me to read you some poetry? I’ve brought a book with me I think you might like.”

Happy for the change in topic, Belle nodded eagerly. Lily’s face lit up at that and she happily searched the book until she came to the page she wanted. “This seems like a good place to start,” she said and then she began to read.

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