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Chapter Seventeen

“You look so handsome!” The Dowager Duchess stood before Stephen, brushing off his shoulders with a wide, happy grin. “I told you that you would look so much better when you shaved that horrible beard.”

Stephen rubbed his cleanly shaved face. “It feels odd not having it.”

“Well, you’ve been wearing it for so long that of course it’s going to feel strange without it. But you’ve never looked more handsome. You have your Mother’s looks, you know.”

Stephen huffed a laugh. He couldn’t tell when last his mother fussed over him like this and he was enjoying it more than he was letting on. “If we stand here talking about my shaved beard then we’re going to be late for the ball.”

The Dowager Duchess waved her hands dismissively, though she did step back. “There’s nothing wrong with arriving a little late. That way, there will be more people around to see you when you enter. It’s all about the impression you make, after all.”

Stephen wouldn’t know. This was his first Season ball ever and he loathed the nervous feeling churning his gut.

His mother turned on her heels. She wore a deep-purple gown that accentuated her round curves; her hair was piled atop her head. Though she was there to accompany him, Stephen knew that his beautiful mother was bound to turn heads.

He said nothing as he followed behind her into the carriage. Lady Hamilton’s manor wasn’t very far from them, so Stephen didn’t expect the ride to be very long.

“Now, Stephen,” his mother began as soon as they started off. “Lady Hamilton has been a close friend of mine for a while now. So let us give our greetings to her first, shall we?”

“And Lady Penelope?” he asked because he knew it was coming.

“You should ask her to dance without delay. She’s looking forward to meeting you. I’d hate to disappoint her Mother.”

“If it’s only a dance,” Stephen said, looking out the window. “Then I’m sure I should be able to manage it.”

“Yes,” his mother responded. Her tone was thoughtful. “And if we’re good guests then I’m sure Lady Hamilton will invite us to any other party she puts on. She is quite fond of them.”

Stephen slid his eyes over to his mother. “Why don’t you throw a ball yourself, Mother? That way you could make sure all the wonderful, single ladies of London will be in attendance for me to see them all.”

He’d meant it as a jest. But when his mother’s eyes lit up at him, he realized he should have known she wouldn’t take it as such. “That’s a wonderful idea, Stephen!”

Stephen couldn’t help the laugh. “I’m glad I could be of service, Mother.”

True to what he thought, the carriage ride to the Hamilton Manor was not long. Soon he could hear the hum of music wafting from the open ballroom. Stephen was already dreading going inside when he saw how full it was.

The Dowager Duchess didn’t hesitate at all. Stephen followed after her as she made her way into the ballroom and as if by some magical force, she spotted Lady Hamilton instantly.

“Your Grace,” Lady Hamilton greeted with a broad smile. “I’m so happy you were able to attend.”

“It’s the first ball of the Season, My Lady,” his mother responded. “I wouldn’t dare not to attend. Especially seeing that my son was quite eager to come himself.”

Sensing his cue, Stephen stepped closer. Lady Hamilton appraised him with bright-green eyes and her daughter, the one he presumed was Lady Penelope, seemed to be hiding behind her mother. Stephen could see nothing but her brown curls and her pink dress.

“Good evening, Lady Hamilton,” Stephen said politely.

“Ah, Your Grace,” she said with a bright smile. Clearly, she liked whatever she saw. “It’s wonderful to finally meet you. I’ve been hearing so much about you from your Mother.”

“All good things, I hope?”

“Nothing you need to worry about, I assure you. Why, she painted such a lovely picture of you that I wished you were my son.”

Lady Hamilton and his mother laughed at that. She finally reached a hand behind her and wrapped her arm around her daughter’s shoulders. She forced Lady Penelope to stand in front. Her eyes were as green as her mother’s but were much less bold.

“This is my daughter, Lady Penelope,” Lady Hamilton stated. “Lady Penelope, this is Stephen Townshend, the Duke of Dunleer.”

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Your Grace,” Lady Penelope said, her voice as low and whispery as Stephen expected it to be.

Stephen bowed respectfully, very aware of this mother’s eyes on him. “The pleasure is all mine, My Lady. I think we should leave these two ladies to talk, so would you like to dance?”
