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Chapter Eighteen

Belle didn’t see him for the next four days. Every day that went passed made her more and more anxious. The first day, she tried her best not to think anything of it, reminding herself that he had his own life to live and it was likely that he couldn’t always find the time to see her. The second day, when her hopes were dashed, she tried to call those thoughts back to memory and failed.

The third day, she wondered if something was wrong. Perhaps he had been in an accident on his way home. Perhaps, because he had come to see her that night, something bad happened to him that wouldn’t have had he not shown up. The overthinking grew worse and worse, until she could no longer think straight, and she really did have to go to bed early to stave off the worry. The fourth day was even worse.

It’s been five days since he’s come to see me. Surely something isn’t truly wrong?

Lily and Julia could tell that she was worried, and they tried their best to make her feel at ease. They spent nearly every second of the day with her. When they weren’t reading poetry to her or braiding her hair, they were telling her stories of the past. It was a very welcome distraction and Belle clung to their company, happy to have them.

But when they were gone, the worry came rushing back like a wave.

She perked up when Lily came into the room holding a tray of tea. “I thought you might enjoy some,” she told Juliana, coming to rest it on the night table beside the bed.

“Thank you,” Belle said.

“Are you still worrying about Stephen?”

Belle didn’t bother to hide it. She was beginning to learn that there was no use keeping anything from Lily. She was much too intuitive to lie to. “I know it’s stupid, but I thought he’d show up by now. I can’t help but worry that something might have happened to him.”

“I’m sure he’s fine, Hannah,” Lily said, patting her hand. “And in the meantime, I’m here to help distract you from your concern. Because that’s clearly what you need right now.”

Belle couldn’t help smiling, despite the dread that was steadily curling within her. “And how do you plan to do that?”

Lily laced her fingers together and lifted them to her chin as she gave Belle a bright smile. “You’re going to walk today.”

Belle’s brows shot upwards. “Are you sure about that? I don’t think I’ve full healed yet.”

“It’s been over a week. You don’t have to wait until it’s fully healed. Only until you’re strong enough to stand on it. And I think we can try today. What do you say?”

Belle nodded eagerly. Sitting in bed waiting around for Stephen to show up was not the ideal thing for her. She’d much rather be able to walk around and keep herself busy. “Let’s do it then.”

“Good!” Lily shot to her feet. She went around the bed to the other night table and picked up the two books Julia had left there the day before. Lily placed the books in the corner of the room farthest from the bed. “This is your aim. After you reach the book, you get a prize.”

“A prize?”

“Yes, but don’t ask me what it is yet,” Lily said. “I haven’t figured that part out. For now, let’s focus on getting you across the room to those books, shall we?”

Belle nodded eagerly, grateful for the challenge. She held her arm out to Lily, who grasped her strongly and helped to haul her to her feet. Like the last time she attempted this, Belle tested her ankle by resting her foot on the ground to see if she felt any pain. There was none but when she placed all her weight on it, that was when the jolt of pain came.

“Are you all right?” Lily asked her.

Belle gritted her teeth and nodded. “I think I can take a few steps,” she said, keeping her eyes on the book.

“Let’s see then, shall we?” Lily took a few steps away from her to give her the space to move, but she kept a strong grip on her arm.

Belle fought the pain and took her first step. The feeling was so liberating that it somehow felt easier to take another and then another. But by the time she was halfway around the bed, she couldn’t bear it any longer and she collapsed onto the mattress.

“Is that all you can manage right now?” Lily asked her.

“No,” Belle said determinedly. “I’m only regathering my strength. I’m going to make it to those books to claim my prize soon. Just watch.”

Lily grinned. “I love the determination. Let’s get back to it, then.”

Lily remained by Belle’s side as she steadily inched her way over to the books she had stacked in the corner. It was a painful and tiring task, but Belle didn’t once think she was overextending herself. For the past few days, she had been discreetly trying to turn her foot around, hoping to work out the kinks that would have no doubt settled from the lack of use. She believed those tiny exercises helped her now.

But it took much longer than she expected it to and by the time she made it to the corner, it was almost afternoon. Belle sagged against the wall, panting in both tiredness and relief, clutching one of the books in her hand.

“I did it,” she gasped. “It was only a few steps, but I did it.”
