Page 59 of Daddy Defends

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“Fuck, Dog!” Rainer cried, lurching forward.

For a moment, it looked as though Dog was about to collapse. He didn’t, though. He managed to steady himself before he fell forward.

“I’m alright, I’m fine.” Dog sounded hoarse, and almost annoyed by the fuss Rainer was making over him. When Rainer got close enough, it was obvious why. His breath stank of booze.

“What’s going on, Dog?”

Somewhere behind him, he heard the muffled gasp of Esme. She must have gotten dressed and seen Dog. For some reason, he felt deeply uncomfortable about Dog seeing Esme here. Not because he was ashamed — it wasn’t that at all. It was more because he could now, more than ever before, sense danger coming off Dog like a bad smell.

Luckily, it didn’t seem like Dog had noticed her.

“Got into an accident,” he slurred, gesturing behind him. There was his hog, twisted out of shape.

So he was drunk-driving. “Fuck. Must have been terrible.”

“Didn’t feel too good.”

“What happened?”

“Fucking pick-up truck. Who needs to drive a fucking pick-up through NYC? Whadda they think they’re doing, gonna go wrangle some cattle from the damn ranch in Times Square?”

Rainer took a good look at the hog. “Hit you from the side?”

“Right,” Dog said. “Knocked me prone. Bike went over. Hit my head on a fuckin’ streetlamp. By the time I was up and shouting, the chickenshit asshole had split.”

“You gonna get to a doctor?”

“I’m fine,” Dog said. “Just want you to fix up the hog is all.”

Rainer’s heart dropped. “Might be some time until I can do that.”

“Come on, brother, don’t hold out on me.”

“It’s not that. Just got a lot of work on. Struggling to keep up as it is.”

He didn’t want to be doing this. He wanted to be back in his bed, seeing to that little vixen. The things he would do that that tight, perfect little pussy. It had felt so damn good when even the slightest tip of his cock had edged its way between those velvet lips.

“Hello? Earth to Rainer?”

“Sorry. Zoned out.”

“I’m standing in front of you with a head wound and thousands of dollars’ worth of business and you… zoned out?”

“Like I said, got a lot on my mind at the moment. Look, I don’t want to turn you away. Just got a lot of work on. You’d be better off finding another shop that could turn her around faster.”

“I don’t care about speed,” Dog said, lighting up a cigarette. “I want quality. You’re the best.”

“Dog, would you mind not smoking?”

Dog looked as though Rainer had just asked him to stand on one foot and dance around in circles.

“What? Why?”

Ugh. He didn’t want to say it. “Got company.”

It was at that moment that Esme decided to join them. “Oh, Dog, you look awful.” She was wearing her yoga kit, as well as a short jacket.

“Now there’s a confidence booster if ever I heard one.”
