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“Good afternoon, Hannah,” he said, resting the box on the table before her. “I’m glad to see you’re out of bed.”

“No one is as happy as I am, Stephen, I assure you.” She closed the book, her eyes filling with question. “How have you been doing?”

“Just fine,” he responded. He knew her true question.Where have you been all this time?Since when did they become so acutely aware of the other’s presence—or lack thereof? “I’ve been quite busy and so that’s why I haven’t been here in a while.”

“I hadn’t asked,” she said simply, putting the book aside.

Stephen ignored it, holding back his smile. “But I’ve got something for you.”

Hannah’s eyes finally settled on the box sitting nearby. “A present for me?”

“I hope you like it.”

She reached for it, a slow smile spreading across her face. Stephen watched as she began to unwrap it. Nervousness roiled within him and he held his breath when she finally beheld what was in the box.

Hannah picked up the dress, holding it up as far as she could. “Stephen…”

“Do you like it?” he asked anxiously. It was difficult telling if her reaction was a good one or not.

“I love it! It’s so beautiful!”

“You look wonderful in the color blue,” he told her. “So when I saw it, I just had to get it for you.”

“This is wonderful, Stephen. Thank you so much!” Without warning, Hanna dropped the dress and wrapped her arms around his neck. Then they both froze.

The movement must have cost her. Stephen glanced at her ankle to see that it was twisted slightly, but she didn’t pull away, not until a few seconds had passed. Stephen looked into her face, watching as her eyes dart away in awkwardness and her arms slowly began to pull away.

Stephen stopped her from moving any further. He watched as those honey eyes went up to his, her lips parting slightly. He didn’t care to stop himself this time and Stephen had a feeling that Hannah didn’t want him to. He brushed his lips against hers and when he felt that shift, when he felt her lean into him ever so slightly, he pressed in deeper.

God, I missed this.

He snaked his hand around her waist, pulling her as closely as he could without twisting her at an odd angle. Hannah didn’t say anything, didn’t complain about any pain. She only gave herself to the kiss, clinging onto him like she had been before.

Stephen forgot where he was. He forgot who he was. He wasn’t thinking about the fact that, despite what Hannah might think, he was a duke and should conduct himself in a decent manner. He wasn’t thinking about the fact that Lily and Julia were only a few steps away and that anyone could walk in at any moment.

He could only think about how marvelous she smelled, and how silky her hair felt between his fingers. And how enticing it was to have her bosom pressed against his chest. He wanted so badly to let his hand drift toward her breast and would have given in to the temptation had there not been a cough from behind them.

Stephen pulled away from her. Hannah sat up straight, her eyes going wide as Robert came further into the room. The older man’s eyes went back and forth between Stephen and Hannah, who was trying to make herself look busy with the book she’d put aside, her hair falling down to shield most of her face.

“Stephen,” Robert said after a long moment of nothing. “Are you staying for supper tonight? It’s been a while since you have.”

“I’d love that, yes.” Stephen was sweating all of a sudden. He wanted to fan himself but he thought it would only make him look worse in front of Robert.

Robert nodded. His eyes glittered but, much like Lily, Stephen couldn’t decipher what it meant. “Hannah, I see you’ve managed to make it downstairs. Looks like there has been considerable progress with your ankle then.”

“Yes.” Hannah cleared her throat. “It does look that way.”

Robert drew nearer to study her ankle. “You shouldn’t overextend yourself, though. It’s perfectly fine for you to take a few steps here and there, but don’t go trying to move up and down the stairs without anyone’s help.”

“I’ll try to resist the urge to,” she mumbled, a smile appearing on her face.

Stephen stared at her, marveled.

She has the strength to joke in a moment like this?

Robert grinned, patting her on the leg. “Good. Don’t hesitate to call anyone if you need anything, all right? Oh…well, I guess Stephen is here to be at your beck and call.”

Hannah’s laugh was strained this time. That sounded more fitting right now. Stephen wanted nothing more than to cover his head in shame.
