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Chapter Twenty-One

“Hannah, are you out of your mind?”

Belle paused at the sound of Lily’s voice. She sounded quite normal, considering the question she asked. Belle balanced all her weight on her good leg, then twisted her neck around to see Lily and Julia standing by the door, giving her a mixture of curious and impressed looks.

“I thought I would try and get the other book,” she said, trying to make sure her weight didn’t fall to her bad leg. “I have a full belly and an empty afternoon so I’m sure I will be able to handle it.”

“You didn’t think to call us first?” Julia asked even as she made her way over to the bed to lie down. Lily came to her side, grasping her elbow slightly.

“Julia, I’m willing to bet she got a little overconfident after Father’s words last night,” Lily said. “I hope you don't think you can go walking around this room now.”

“Of course I don’t.”Although, I have considered trying to. “But you did say I should try to get the other book, didn’t you? And it makes no sense sitting around when I could be working hard to cut those two weeks Robert predicted down to one.”

“Are you that eager to leave?” Julia asked, giving her a pout.

Belle shook her head. She was crossed between wanting to walk again and never wanting to leave this place. But she wouldn’t allow herself to forget the fact that her father could be scouring the entirety of London right this moment trying to find her.

“I’m only tired of lying around that’s all.”

“You must remember that she likes to ride horses, Julia,” Lily said. With her aid, Belle felt much more confident taking a few more steps. “Someone like her wouldn’t be satisfied with staying still too long.”

“You truly understand me, Lily,” Belle said.

“We’re friends, aren’t we? It’s only natural.” Lily’s pretty smile brought one out of Belle herself.

“I nearly forgot for a moment,” Julia said. “Then will you be going to collect your horse when you’re fine to walk again?”

“That was the plan.” Although she hadn’t yet thought about whether she could carry Shadow with her to Scotland. She’d been planning to cross that bridge when she got to it.

“Was?” Julia probed.

“Well...things are a little different now so who knows what I might end up doing.”

“Does that have anything to do with a certain man by the name of Stephen Norton?” Lily asked.

Belle refused to respond, and she hoped her hair shielded most of her blush. Finally, at the end of the room, she leaned down, putting a lot of weight on her ankle and picked up the book. She held it up with a victorious grin.

“Wonderful!” Lily said brightly, then she plucked the book out of her hand and tossed it to her sister, who caught it easily. “Now, how about you answer the question?”

“I’m not sure I understand what you’re asking me.”

“Do you fancy Stephen?” Julia asked.

Belle slowly nodded. Lily and Julia shot each other excited looks. “We knew it!” Lily exclaimed, surprising Belle. She’d never seen the girl so full of energy like this before. “It’s settled then. We have to make sure that you look your best tonight.”

“But we don’t even know if he fancies me as well,” Belle protested.

“Oh, Hannah, bless your heart. It’s clear as day that that man has feelings for you and now that we know you do as well, then it’s only obvious what we should do. Let’s see if there’s something we can find to make you feel extra beautiful tonight.”

Belle was halfway across the room when it occurred to her. “Well...that gift Stephen brought me was a dress. Perhaps I could wear that? It’s really beautiful.”

“That’s perfect!” Julia was instantly on her feet, searching through the closet for the blue dress. Belle, with Lily’s aid, finally made it back to the bed. Julia brought it over with a broad grin.

“Look how pretty it is,” she exclaimed. “You’ll look so lovely in this, Hannah.”

“And I guarantee that Stephen will not be able to take his eyes off you.”

Belle regarded the dress with a slight frown. It was so much like the dresses she’d left behind in Auldwood Manor. She'd always dressed in order to impress the gentlemen during the last Season, but now that she was faced with someone she was falling for, she felt nervous and uncertain for the first time.

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