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Chapter Twenty-Six

“Hannah, we have something for you.”

Belle looked up when Lily, Julia and Anne came into the living room to stand before her. They all seemed to be holding something behind their backs. Belle closed the book of poetry she was reading and put it aside.

“Let me guess,” she said, putting a finger to her chin. “You’ve all finished the blankets you’ve been making.”

“You are correct!” Julia exclaimed excitedly. She was the first to pull her blanket forward, letting it unravel before her. It was the length of her body, a yellow color with a fabric that looked very soft to the touch.

“That’s beautiful, Julia,” Belle gasped as Julia handed the blanket to her. She’d embroidered flowers into the edges.

“Now, hold on a moment,” Anne spoke up. “You must remember that this is a competition, so please, take a look at this before you make a decision.”

Belle’s grin widened when Anne handed her the blanket she made. It was baby blue, with tiny little birds following a mother bird embroidered in the very center. “Is there some meaning behind this?” Belle asked.

“You see three baby birds, don’t you?” Anne asked. She leaned forward and pointed to each of them. “Lily, Julia, and you. And this mother bird, is me.”

The heart-warming gesture nearly brought tears to her eyes. To be accepted like this not only made her happy but had the guilt shooting through the ceiling.

“All right, now that the those who will be losing this competition has gotten out of the way,” Lily spoke up, bringing forth her own blanket. “Take a look at what I have made.”

It was brighter than the others, the color of fresh green grass. There was nothing but a single heart in the center of the blanket. Before Belle had the chance to say anything, Lily held up her hand and said, “Now, I know you are about to ask me what this heart means so allow me to explain. It seems quite simple to the eye but the size of the heart, as well as the fact that it is empty, represents something.”

“Which is?”

“Your heart,” Lily said with a broad smile. “As well as all of ours. Focus not on the fact that it’s empty right now but on the fact that it’s emptiness means that it has enough space to hold others.” Lily turned her bright smile to her sister and mother. “It is quite poetic, don’t you think?”

Julia put her finger to her chin. “Perhaps I should have made my blanket more meaningful as well.”

“Your blanket is wonderful, Julia,” Belle said. “And you as well Lily. And Anne. In truth, I know you all want me to choose who the winner is but they’re all so beautiful that I don’t know what to say.”

“We thought you’d you say that,” Anne said, as Lily and Julia both sat. “You needn’t worry, child. We only used the competition as a way of inspiring us.”

“It seems it did work then. I don’t know what I will do with three large blankets but I will cherish them dearly.”

“That’s all we wish,” Anne said. She rounded the couch to stroke her on the hair. “We’re happy to have you here, Hannah. I know you already know that, but it wouldn’t hurt to hear it one more time.”

Belle could only give her a smile. The guilt was choking her.

Anne left the room shortly after, leaving her alone with the sisters. As soon as she was gone, Julia saddled up next to her and Lily leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees and her chin in her hands.

“Tell us everything, Hannah,” Julia said excitedly.

“What do you mean?”

“Though I didn’t mean to,” Lily began, “when I had interrupted your conversation with Stephen earlier today, I overheard him say something about eloping? I didn't want to think too much on it out of fear that I had misheard, but surely it is what I think it is?”

Belle blushed. “I suppose there is no use hiding it then is there?”

“Oh goodness!” Julia exclaimed. “Did he truly asked that you two elope together?”

“He did,” Belle said.

“And what did you say?” Lily enquired eagerly. “Surely you didn’t turn him away, did you? It is clear that you love him as much as he loves you.”

Belle studied her friend. “You are far too observant for your own good, you know,” she teased lightly.

Lily waved her hand, crossing her ankles. “I appreciate the compliment, but it is as clear as day the feelings you two have for each other. You both no longer bother to hide it anymore.”
