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Chapter Thirteen

After spending much of the lengthy journey asleep in the corner of the carriage, Rose awoke to the sound of a commotion. She rubbed her eyes to try and spur some life into them and looked around to find that she was alone within the dim carriage. Somewhere along the way, someone must have drawn the curtains over the windows to keep out the daylight.

Tentatively, she peeled back the nearest curtain. Outside, the sun shone in its full glory, bathing the Earth in its vibrant embrace, and she could hear the roar of the sea close by. She pushed down the window and drank in the salty scent of the sea air, which she had craved since the last time she had set foot in Brighton. Here it was again, bringing back all of the memories of those halcyon days.

But where is everyone?She turned the door handle and stepped down from the carriage. All around her, fields of verdant green grass swayed with the briny gusts, and wheat stalks whispered as they gleamed golden in the day’s shine.

Holding onto her skirts, so they would not blow up and show her bare legs—for she had taken the opportunity to avoid the itchy stockings that Mrs. Whittaker insisted she wore for her laundry duties—and wandered to the front of the carriage. Lord Langston and the driver, whom they called Banks, were in the process of unhitching the horses from the carriage trappings.

“Is something the matter, My Lord?” She approached Lord Bentley, who was not even pretending to assist.

He pointed to the steep incline just ahead, which rose up to a daunting peak. A narrow path led up to the top with rocks and boulders on either side. It reminded her somewhat of a mountain, though she knew it could not be, with the sea glimmering away to her right. Whitecaps frothed, and she marked the discolorations where different currents collided beneath the deep blue surface.

“The carriage cannot go any further, but it is too far to walk to the top,” Lord Bentley explained. “The horses are being unhitched, so that we might ride to the peak.”

It took Rose a moment too long to understand the issue. “But… there are only two horses. Am I to stay behind?” She tried not to show her disappointment, for Lord Bentley had informed her that she would not constantly be at their side throughout this excursion. She imagined they would expect her to prepare the food for their luncheon while they did as they pleased.

I would like to see what’s up there that’s of so much interest, but I won’t pout if I can’t. I’m lucky enough to be here, by the sea.She closed her eyes and let the breeze wash over her, knowing she would be able to smell that metallic scent on her skin on the journey back. It was her favorite perfume in all the world.

“The Captain says you can ride with him if you desire to come with us.” Lord Bentley folded his arms across his chest. “I know it may seem unorthodox, but you would not want to miss the view up there. It is astonishing without exception. I have seen it a handful of times, and it never loses its novelty.”

Rose swallowed uncomfortably. “I don’t want to be an inconvenience.”

“Where is the inconvenience?” Lord Bentley smiled. “One horse can take two people without difficulty, and the Captain does not mind having to share. He has already made the offer if you are willing. All you have to do is accept and endure some momentary embarrassment, for the sake of a view that will take your breath away.” He gestured around at the beautiful, empty landscape. “Besides, who is here to see you? We will not say a word.”

Rose rubbed the back of her neck as she contemplated the notion. “I would like to see what’s up there. Are you sure he doesn’t mind? Is he not just trying to be chivalrous?”

“If he were trying to be chivalrous, he would leave you here and spare you any discomfort you may experience. He wants you to see the view.” Lord Bentley lowered his voice. “I imagine he was moved by your story of Brighton, as I was.”

“Oh…” She did not think he had been affected by her small anecdote, but then she was still trying to figure out how to decipher the code of his character. At times, he seemed distant and standoffish. At other times, she caught him looking at her with such warmth in his eyes that she wondered if he was an entirely different person. The duality of her savior.

Just then, Lord Langston approached with a horse in tow, while Banks brought the second.

“Miss Parker, have you made your decision?” Lord Langston asked, his tone soft and inviting. He seemed at ease here, surrounded by nature and the wild beauty of the sea.

Rose nodded uncertainly. “I’ll come with you to the top, My Lord. Lord Bentley has said it is unmissable.”

“It truly is,” Lord Langston confirmed. “However, the ride will be somewhat unsteady as there is no saddle to perch upon. As long as you do not lose your courage, you will be safe. I will make sure of it.”

Rose took a breath. “I’ll try to stay as still as I can.”

“Might I lift you onto the horse?” Lord Langston did not move to touch her without her permission. It made a rather pleasant change to the groping hands of lechers and drunkards in the streets of London, who had thought themselves above the free will of women.

Rose took a slower, deeper breath. “Of course, My Lord.”

She tried not to show her nerves as his large, strong hands moved toward her waist and grasped the curves there. No man had ever touched her this way, and those who had tried had received a sharp slap to the face. But this… This was something she wanted. This was something that felt utterly divine, sending tiny shivers of excitement across the expanse of her skin that hid beneath the fabric of her dress.

“Place your hands upon my shoulders,” he urged, his eyes never leaving hers.

She did as he asked and found that she could not draw another breath into her lungs. They simply would not cooperate, as her body filled with the overwhelming sensation of his hands tightening around her waist and lifting her up onto the horse’s back with such ease. His fingertips stayed there for a moment after she was in position, and she had to resist the desire to bring her own hands down from his shoulders to cover his with hers.

A moment later, he pulled himself up onto the horse and seated himself behind her. His arms slid around her to take the reins, holding her in the safe pocket of space between them. She leaned back instinctively, until her shoulders were flush against his solid chest, and wondered why anyone would ever need a saddle when they had the strong arms and firm thighs of a man keeping them in place.

Goodness…She forced herself to breathe, though it escaped her throat as more of a pant. There was no way of escaping the fact that her rear was nestled against the front of his trousers, where a secret vessel of pleasure lay concealed.

She gulped as he shuffled closer until there was barely a hair’s breadth between them. In his arms, pressed so tight against him, with his breath warm and sensual against her neck, she was already experiencing a kind of euphoria that she had never encountered before. Her skin felt fiery hot, and her abdomen tightened involuntarily, her breath coming in shorter, sharper gasps as his body enveloped her.

“Are you well, Miss Parker?” he murmured, his voice husky.
