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Rose stooped to collect her favorite cornflowers as Dorian lay on the grass beside her, watching her with a particular intent that made her heart beat faster. She could feel the heat of his gaze upon her, with every movement she made, his teeth grazing his lower lip in a way that made her want to lie in the grass beside him and sink into his embrace and his kisses until the sun set. Perhaps indulging in more than his kisses, while the day was so fine.

The world itself seemed to be urging her to lie with him here, in this meadow, where their passion for one another had truly begun. The sky overhead lay clear and blue, and the summer sunshine was warm as fresh honey on her skin, while the glorious aromas of the wildflowers overwhelmed her senses. Truly, she could not recall a more perfect day.

“How is this for a bridal bouquet?” She turned to face her husband, reveling in the fact that she could call him that.

He kept watching her with that tempting gaze, as he got to his feet and closed the gap between them, his eyes flitting to her lips, to let her know what he desired. “I think it suits you perfectly.” As his hands rested upon the curves of her waist, he dipped his head to kiss her, his mouth catching hers as though he had been waiting years to kiss her again.

Crushing the flowers between their bodies, her arms looped about his neck, her mouth pressing against his with equal hunger. She had felt a stirring within her when they had kissed before, but this was different. This was their first proper embrace as man and wife, where none of the former limitations existed.

“I love you,” she gasped as his lips sought her neck, kissing down to the hollow at the base of her throat.

He paused to look deep into her eyes. “I love you more than you can possibly know, my doe. You have changed my world beyond recognition, and I am grateful for every moment.”

“As am I,” she replied, as they came together once more, their lips uniting in perfect harmony. This time, she reveled in the way he coaxed her mouth apart and let his tongue explore, her fingertips running through his hair as her skin flushed with fiery heat, like a fever of love and passion was coursing through her, setting every part of her ablaze.

With his arm wrapped around her waist, he slowly lowered her to the soft grass, his lips never leaving hers. Thanks to the rowdy tales of the prostitutes and sewing house women, she had a vague idea of what to expect, but she had never known it could be like this. They had always made it sound like a chore, or like something to be endured, rather than enjoyed.

“Is this… what you want?” he rasped, his lips finding the swell of her bosom. “If you wish to… stop, you have only to… say.”

Rose’s arched her back, her body pressing closer to his. “This is what I want. Please, don’t stop.”

Smiling against her skin, she felt suddenly disappointed as he sat up and took her hands, urging her to sit up, too. For a moment, she feared he might actually cease. But then, she felt his fingertips grasp the hem of her wedding gown and lift it up. Tilting forward, she allowed him to raise it up, all the way over her head, where he proceeded to set it carefully down on the ground—a sign of his respect for the work it had taken to make the dress.

“Forgive me for saying so, but I hoped you would maintain your usual routine of not wearing undergarments,” he admitted shyly, as he took in the sight of her naked body before him.

She chuckled, unashamed. “It seems rather unfair, though, that I am like this, and you are fully clothed.”

“Then, perhaps we shall have to remedy that,” he said, shuffling off his morning coat.

“Yes, I think we shall.” Rose leaned forward to unbutton his shirt and help him dispense with it, before reaching tentatively for the clasp upon his trousers.

Sensing her nerves, he removed them in a charmingly coy manner until they sat naked in front of each other. Rose could not help but look below his hips and drew in a startled breath as the tales from the bawds and sewing house women finally made sense. Although, she did not know how such a length and breadth was supposed to fit within her, for it appeared much too large. She supposed she would have to discover for herself.

“You must tell me if I hurt you,” he murmured quietly as he moved back toward her. His lips found hers with ease, and with a sensitive urgency, they collapsed down onto the grass, where the blades felt cool against Rose’s bare back.

Skin to skin, her breaths came in ragged snatches, her hips rising up to meet his as he kissed lower, following the path from her neck and down to the plump summits of her breasts. A moan escaped her throat as he closed his mouth around her hardened nipple and sucked gently, sending a jolt of lightning through her abdomen. Between her legs, she felt the warm wetness of her hidden core, responding to his touch and the pleasure it inspired within her.

With his hand, he massaged her other breast while he sucked again, prompting her to buck against him. There, for the first time, she felt the end of his hard length press against her heat. She clung to him in response, her fingernails raking against his back, as new and thrilling sensations pulsed through her.

“I love you,” he whispered, his breath as ragged as hers.

“I love you more,” she gasped back, as his member pressed again at her entrance, begging to sink deep inside her.

As his lips returned to hers with a frenetic desire that made her legs shake, she lifted her hips to meet his, urging him to make that first thrust. Slowly, his member already pressed against her lotus, he pushed forward with his hips, and that hardened flesh parted the wet, soft petals of her sex.

A strangled cry bubbled up in her throat as he pushed himself all the way inside her, though it was not a cry of pain. Far from it. She had never felt so alive, her body igniting with delicious, overwhelming fire as he paused for a moment to let her grow accustomed to the sensation and the significance of his size.

“Are you… all right?” he mumbled, his face a vision of ecstasy.

She pulled his head down to hers and kissed him fiercely. “I am better than I’ve ever been.”

Visibly relieved that he had not caused her any pain, he drew his hips backward, unsheathing his length from her slick well. Now that she knew what to expect, her body reacted instinctively, her hips moving forward as he sank slowly into her once more, eliciting a groan from between his lips as he pushed deep.

Relishing in his kisses and the feeling of him inside her, they moved as one upon the bountiful meadow, surrounded by the sweet scent of wildflowers and the buzz of industrious bumblebees. Here, they were in their own private world, where they could enjoy one another in peace, their cries of pleasure unheard by anyone beyond.

With every matched thrust, she felt something building within her: an indescribable force that swelled like a storm within the pit of her stomach and tugged at her abdomen with invisible threads of pure bliss. At first, she wondered if she ought to be worried by the sensation, but she was enjoying herself too much to pay it any real heed. This was what it meant to be man and wife, happily married, devouring one another as if they were not promised tomorrow.

Soon, as his thrusts grew more insistent, his hips moving faster as he drove himself inside her, she realized that the storm within her body was about to break. Her back arched as it reached its peak, and she found herself calling her husband’s name as a surge of unadulterated pleasure exploded within her, making her thighs tremble and her body spasm while she clung onto him for dear life.
