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“Pleasure,” Lydia said. She turned to Michael to thank him for her accommodations, especially the lovely bouquet of flowers that she found after she woke.

However, Kitty spoke first. “Your Grace, I was just thinking that it’s been quite a while since we last rode in the woods. It would be so diverting. Please, tell me you will take us out soon?”

“The days have gotten quite warm,” Michael said. “It may be nice to get out. I thought perhaps I could show Lady Lydia the grounds. Joseph, you would be inclined to join us, as well?”

“Of course,” Joseph agreed. He looked to Lydia. “Do you ride, Lady Lydia?”

“Unfortunately, no,” she admitted, uncomfortably. “I’ve lived in London my whole life. We haven’t had occasions to ride on horseback.”

“Oh, such a shame. I find riding such an excellent sport. His Grace has said I’m an excellent rider,” Kitty bragged.

“So fortunate for you,” Lydia said. She turned to Michael. “Perhaps, you could teach me, Your Grace.”

“It would be my pleasure,” he agreed, smiling at her. He looked over at her uncle, who was sipping a glass of whisky. “My lord, have you had an opportunity to go shooting recently?”

“The shooting at my country manor has been quite poor the past few seasons,” he admitted.

“Such a shame. Uncle, you were just saying how well the shooting went for you just last week,” Michael said.

“Yes,” Lionel said. “I’d be more than happy to take you out sometime, show you the best spots on the estate.”

“I’d be delighted!” Francis agreed. He raised his glass to Lionel. “This whisky is splendid, where did you get it from again?”

“We brought that one back from the Highlands last summer, my wife and I spent a few weeks there,” Lionel explained, turning to Ranora. “Such a wonderful experience, don’t you agree?”

“The Highlands are definitely wild and untamed,” she agreed. “I am certainly glad we live in the country near London for all the diversions.”

Michael turned back to Lydia. “What other adventures should we arrange while you are visiting? There must be much for you to see in the country that you could not do in London.”

“Perhaps, we could show her the grit of the village,” Kitty said with a smirk. “The dressmaker here has such a quaint selection, surely nothing to tempt you compared to your modiste in London.”

Lydia cocked her head, trying to think of how to respond to Kitty’s condemnation of the local village. “Your Grace, the local village is under your purview, I assume?”

“Yes, indeed,” he nodded. “In fact, I must go down at some point this week to talk to a few tenants regarding their leases. While business ventures may not be the most entertaining for you, perhaps it would be advantageous for you to see.”

“That actually sounds very interesting -”

“Michael, have you turned into a bore now that you’re engaged?” Kitty asked, laughing.

“Kitty,” Joseph scolded, frowning at his fiancée. “I’m proud of Michael for him taking his courtship so seriously. I would think you’d be happy for my cousin for finally settling down.”

“Not if he is going to be dull.”

Lydia tried to keep her mouth from dropping open. “Pray tell, Kitty, what is your idea of entertainment?”

“Well, of course we could play games,” she suggested. “After supper, a game of Blindman’s Bluff would be quite entertaining.”

“One would think you were a child,” Joseph said, rolling his eyes. “Cousin, surely it’s time for supper?”

“Of course,” Michael nodded, rising. “If you would all follow me?”

Following Michael to the supper table, Lydia found herself between Joseph and Lionel, across from Kitty. She snuck a longing glance down the table, where Michael sat with her uncle and Ranora on either side of him.

“I was very surprised to hear of your visit,” Joseph remarked, after the soup course had been served. “My cousin seemed very insistent on having you visit after the Assembly. He seems to be quite taken with you.”

“I’m happy to have made such a strong impression on him.”

“Yes, such a shock to hear of the engagement,” Kitty added. Her smile seemed plastered on, despite a squint in her eyes as she lifted her wine glass to her lips.
