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She sighed dramatically. “It’s so incredibly dull here. I wish we were back in London enjoying all the parties of the Season.”

“You must learn to find your entertainment where you can,” he suggested.

“Fine,” she said, rolling her eyes. “I will try to make friends with Lady Lydia.”

* * *

The next day, standing in front of one of Michael’s horses, Lydia realized what true fear felt like.

“I do not believe I have ever been this close to a horse before,” she said, softly.

“Just lay your hand flat and pet him, like this,” Michael explained, showing her how to pet the horse on the nose. The horse pushed its nose into Michael’s hand and snorted.

Lydia held her hand out timidly, slowly approaching the horse’s face. When it snorted again, she jumped back, frightened.

“Oh, you’re all right,” Michael laughed. “Come, try again. He likes to be petted.”

He took her hand in his and firmly pressed her hand onto the horse’s nose, showing her how to pet it. Feeling comforted by Michael’s reassuring touch, she relaxed and moved with her own force.

“His nose is so soft,” she noted.

“Indeed,” Michael said, smiling. “I think it might be best for you to ride with me, at first, since you’ve never ridden before.”

“Won’t that be terribly scandalous?” Lydia gasped, looking wide-eyed up at Michael. The thought of him pressed against her back terrified her as much as being close to the horse.

“Nonsense, I’d be teaching you how to ride,” he said. “And who might see to object?”

“That is true, I haven’t seen my uncle since breakfast.”

“Exactly,” Michael grinned. “My uncle has taken him out shooting again, leaving us to our own devices for the rest of the day.”

She blushed, looking down. He used his finger under her chin to lift her face back up to him.

“Again, we will be in plain sight of the servants, and any family that is curious. I promise to be proper.”

“Very well,” she agreed.

“Good,” he said, continuing to smile. He stepped to the side of the horse and pointed to the stirrup. “You just put your foot here, then swing your leg up. I think ladies hook their leg around the saddle, but I’ve never done that, so I couldn’t exactly tell you.”

She laughed.

“Then, I’ll mount the horse behind you.”

She stepped closer to him, looking cautiously at the stirrup. Michael offered his arm to her for support, so she held onto him and put her foot in the opening. Grabbing onto the saddle, she tried to lift herself up, but the horse stepped away, causing her to fall back.

Michael steadied her, saying, “Try again.”

Failing a second time, he grabbed her waist and lifted her to the saddle. She hooked her leg quickly on the saddle as Michael easily swung his leg over. Once he was behind her, she felt her heart racing again.

“Your Grace,” she said, breathlessly. “This is very …”

“Close?” he asked, his mouth close to her ear.


He reached around her to grab the reins, his arms brushing hers in the process. She felt the gooseflesh rising on her arms. She felt him turn his face towards hers, his mouth close to her ear, causing her to suppress a shudder.

“Let us just enjoy a lovely ride in the country,” he suggested, his voice low.
